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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Does anyone else think following the Manchester attack labour will lose a lot of votes?


    We've got Corbyn who in the past refused to condemn bombings, who's a pacifist and noted to be a 'weak leader', then we've got May who initiated troops to try and alleviate the risk and will no doubt be painted as strong and tough on crime.

    We'll I was watching the news the day after the attack in Manchester and although Corbyn was saying it was wrong I never heard him condemn the terrorist? He might have since but I doubt it, correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. Looks very smart now, sort of hides your work tho?


    I can understand now why you've done it, my niece and nephew were round at the weekend, brother asks if they can have a go of the rifle, 13 & 11 they only fired one mag a piece but at only 11 the rapid is a bit on the big side for my nephew, he was out scored by his sister but both still really enjoyed it though.

  3. I spoke to my mate at the weekend likes his boxing, gets a lot of pay per fights, he said it was an exciting fight, but when Aj put Wlad down he then gassed trying to finish the fight, then pretty much ran for a few rounds while he recovered from being knocked down until he got the knock out.


    So youth got him there, he is obviously going to be wiser for it, but I think an in shape fury would have stopped him, wether he can get back in shape is another thing?

  4. We'll done, wouldn't worry about the shot not being perfect, a slight twitch breeze or movement from the bunny is all it takes.


    If you wanted to guarantee a clean kill every time you would never pull the trigger, or move up to rimfire and even then you can still wound, just practice and shoot within your limits.

    Wot mod I cant see it 😉

  5. Sort of did this on Sunday, was about 8 hrs between low and med, took the fat off for last couple of hours and broke the joint up. Back in the juice finished the fat off in the grill.


    Pulled pork barms for all and very nice it was

  6. The Foyer if i remember correctly, has a shared access with Manchester Victoria train station and a McDononalds ( please correct me if i'm wrong) so has very easy public access.

    Your right, so people coming and going from all directions

  7. Fella says he can't get her to see sense, she thinks the £10 minimum wage will be a great thing, he's tried explaining that will mean people out of work rather than everyone better off, imagine how many more people there could be out there thinking like this 😯

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