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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. There is another thread running further down the page answering a lot of your questions, personally always fancied a .25 if I was going fac that's the way I would go.

  2. Plucky pheasant its called can't see a web page and just realised tomorrow is Sunday do might not be open? If its still open they used to advertise having a range so you can try stuff out

    Like I said snoozer he's started it now, gun porn on a Saturday night haha nice pics thoπŸ€”

  3. Probably find you will be moving a touch when your shooting anyway so the half a mil dot won't matter but now you know where the pellet is going it always helps,

    I tend to aim high if I'm thinking its a long shot so a bit off a drop gives you head then neck and if its actually closer a clean miss.


    I'll bring my chrono round for you if you want at some point so you can put the info into chairgun it looks useful

  4. Someone I stalk with uses a thermal spotter, one good way to see what is about that binos dont see in some conditions, also he found it handy when he saw a buck, thermal scan also showed a group of walkers in the woodland behind it, so no shot taken. Normal binos did not pick up the group of people...

    We'll that's another good reason to get one, when the feo comes round another safety feature to mention,

  5. Ah mice I'm not as green as I am cabbage like, it was a cheap pony and it's now probably worth 10x worth what I paid for it. Also it's a handy size if I'm short of something nice to ride. It was an investment not a piddling competition with her dad. He's got way more disposable income than me to throw around on unnecessary tat for her.

    I like your style making me smile πŸ‘

  6. You know what they say, physio physio physio, my old fella would bring himself to tears after an opp, doc would say you can leave once you can do such a thing, that was it then mission on.


    Look on the brighter side at least you can sit outside while the weather is good imagine if it was January

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