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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I just ignored it, anyway fella on Bamma last week Brett McDermott won the heavy weight title, so I can now say I've trained with a world champion. Also say he is a really nice fella imagine showing someone with all that experience a technique and they just do it no eego no I'm not listening to you, truly well deserved.


    We'll done Brett

  2. Area I grew up in you knew if you left something outside chances were it would walk, if it was bikes in shed or fishing tackle, at some point chances are someone would try and take it. Dog always earned there tea let em bark a bit!!


    I don't live in same area anymore but know its not as bad, where I am now I've never heard of anything going till a few weeks ago when a neighbour lost there ladders.


    What really gets me is the we can't do anything about it by the police, its a crime if the op had caught the scrotes removing his scaffolding and given them a good Beating like they deserve then the police would have looked into it

  3. Clakk, I quite like the look of the crossman, question how long does the air last once you put the bottle on? If your getting twenty shots can they be taken over say two weeks or would it leak out? Thinking of using it in the garden and for the coup de in the cage trap.


    Thanks mice!

  4. Todays Mirror, still banging on about fox hunting in the letters, and the big question is labours manifesto an election winner......... Drum roll.........




    76% said yes its a shame really, but the best comment, no he(Corbyn) may as well be promising free unicorn rides around Buckingham palace love it

  5. Does canvassing not happen in person any more or is it all done on social media? I can't wait for a Libour or LibDumb canvasser to come knocking on my door so I can verbally kick them down the drive.

    I saw the labour candidate in the local elections round our way, sure they must have a list of old folk seemed to be knocking on random doors in the afternoon.

  6. The butcher I get my chicken carcass from saves me lamb ribs, most of the meat taken off them but ribs spine just crack it in half dog loves it.

  7. Might give that a go rimfire sounds good, just got a bag of duck and rice skinners tho so will be a while, I definitely prefer feeding this way, my old dog used to get two scoops of biscuits with tinned meat, was ok for years but the improvement when we went to just biscuit and raw was well worth the effort of freezing some chicken and bones

  8. why should thin people pay for diabetes treatment for fatties, why should childless people pay for schools, why should people with children pay for nhs ivf treatment for those that don't, you could list it all day if you wanted, how the hell could you find a system that suits everybody 100%, I hate the bbc with a passion, but every year I have to pay their silly licence fee. Life isn't fair, it never has been, but its as good as there is.

    You don't have to pay the BBC licence fee, jut prove you don't watch live TV and away you go.

    Not only fatties as you put it get diabetes you can be born with it.

    We pay our taxes then moan there isn't enough money to fund the nhs fix the roads etc,


    As the original post said think Mrs May sorry the conservatives could have said what they wanted, didn't need to promise the earth like other parties are doing.


    Jeremy Corbin on the the last leg this week!!! Imagine if it was Diane abbots

  9. I hope that free school dinners are taken away from most folk on benefits, as they can certainly afford them.

    So punish the kids because of the parents? Kids get free school dinners for three years I think, this means there all eating a good lunch five days a week why would anyone not want them to have that, kids can't influence the parents.


    I can happily say my kids have more than I did growing up because I earn more than my folks did, but it was instilled in me even though my old fella couldn't work through ill health that if you want something then you work for it.

  10. So free shooting available but people are giving the bloke stick??? If it said pigeons he would have had 50 reply's.


    The land owner can say what they like, doesn't have to be fair.


    I would jump at the chance if it was near me, then you can knock on all the neighbours doors do some name dropping its how I have always got permission.


    Great offer well done 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀

  11. You world is your oyster really harnser, you can stick with a springer plenty of good guns available, your saying you don't want the hassle of a divers bottle, I've had my rapid 7 since 199? And I've never used a divers bottle yet always just taken the buddy bottle somewhere and got them filled up 150 &300 shots per fill keeps me going.


    Gas ram is along the same lines as a springer but supposed to be smoother to shoot never shot one tho.


    You can get air rifles that use c02 powerlet cartridges google crossman.


    Probably best to buy something second hand see what you think then find you get drawn in to wanting a pcp after all, have a good read through the other posts loads of good advice.



  12. I would hope it was just an over worked individual making a mistake, when my old fella passed the nurses were great they've obviously seen it before but you don't think of that at the time.


    I agree with you completely about the running of the NHS can't imagine the number of people that must be employed, yes it could be better run but I wouldn't want the job

  13. It's ok saying we pay for the dentist but that's not by choice, its about £17 now think for a check up, your in and out in maybe 2 mins.


    I don't think paying to see your gp is right but I think they should have an evening and weekend surgery for workers only, if your on benefits or an oap you should be able to make it during the day.


    I can say I've never had to wait more than a day or so for an appointment if I've needed one but I work shifts ☺


    I read the start of this thread to the wife and straight away she said you should pay a £5 when you make an appointment which gets taken if you don't show up.

  14. There was a lass doing a study couple of weeks back in the woods at back of us, using corrugated plastic? Making a triangle then using something to catch footprints. It was hedgehogs she was looking for but not sure how she got on.

  15. I bought raw dog food, a very American book but good.


    We feed biscuit in the morning and raw in the afternoons. I read some time ago that if you feed biscuit and meat together it can cause bloating and health issues along with bad wind and stools.


    We stopped feeding our older dog mixed and he improved loads, then with raw better again coat teeth stools.


    We now feed our young dog 14 months old biscuit in the morning because its easy for the wife and raw in the afternoons mix of chicken carcass and minced, you need a freezer and fridge but the dog looks great loads of energy.

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