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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. well if i was in his shoes i would feel more than a fool with other forces showing the common sense to allow us out i have no problem standing my ground regardless of who i’m dealing with as my own chief constable is well aware of unfortunately for him
  2. if i lived in hampshire i would spell it out to him quick time luckily the two forces i operate under are fine just 101 them with details no problems at all common sense approach from both of them
  3. fb short for farm boy it’s on here talk from the field under another plea
  4. as the rules are made by the government the call is defras to make not his like the woman from defra fb spoke to who said this years harvest is the most important since the war she clearly knows farmers positions but he clearly has no idea of what is needed by farmers mans a fool
  5. absolutely making a call that is not theirs to make as farm boy got the clear go ahead from defra who ARE the ones who make the rules the hampshire chief constable is clearly a anti or idiot
  6. well done i can actually see peas growing in the cracks on one of the fields i have shot nobody seems to get how much this year’s harvest will be needed she was spot on it will be vital
  7. you get them in all walks of life most of what you hear is scaremongering i would have no problem proving my case if i even thought other wise i wouldn’t turn out
  8. three what a nightmare i refused to turn out for crows today but agreed to attend his drilling tomorrow which has enough to justify going it’s all getting on my nerves now
  9. your right digging our own grave the anti nuts will be watching our lack of response also farmers are not going to allow any loss of grain this year they will just get someone else to shoot
  10. can’t wait to see the qualification that makes you a professional pest controller of wood pigeons lol
  11. i’m not denying it just saying it COULD be a possibility
  12. being old and sick that’s cheered me up lol but seriously it is a possibility
  13. but HOW convenient is this? mainly taking out the old and sick freeing up their assets economy’s will have to restart way way to convenient for a accident if you ask me
  14. as everyone can read the comments speak for their selfs yes i am old but in no way lonely or the type to take bullying or insults from those who try to intimidate others as i credit shooters with the intelligence to decide for their self if to stay in or go
  15. here’s a lesson in life chaps thanks to a couple trying to dictate and insult me last night it inspired me to switch from waiting for farmers to call to ringing them so i’m now out this afternoon and tomorrow how ironic is that lol
  16. well there’s your answer phone the police and tell them to stop anyone shooting because it’s against the rules why is everyone so reluctant to take it up with the police they enforce the rules i’m probably getting a call to shoot tomorrow so need some sleep same as before if your unhappy take it up with the police they enforce the rules night all
  17. if your going to police this like the lead ban all you achieved so far is convince me to take a large slab of lead next time i’m out if your unhappy with the rules take it up with the police
  18. in the same vein people who try to bully others by dictating to them are unsuitable to own firearms my decisions are made in accordance with the wishes of the police who enforce the rules so take it up with them
  19. thinking you know better is your privilege same as i think for myself so it’s solved all make our own decisions go or stay in
  20. no anyone trying to dictate is wasting their time I make my decisions as for the guidelines as there is NO contact in a empty field i’m at LESS risk of infecting anyone than sat at home on the outskirts of a large town the numbers prove it
  21. when it comes to the guidelines or how they came about I think it’s all relevant not that it makes a difference to my decision to turn out only the constant stay in stay in makes me that determined to go
  22. the most bizarre thing is the constant stay in stay in but is anyone shouting it telling the police they don’t know how to do their job NO because they are to scared so they come on here trying to dictate to those who do go if i was against going i would at least have the guts to take it up with those allowing it
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