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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. few years now still waiting for my air arms s510 to rust best air rifle i owned in over fifty years faultless tool
  2. as a village inbred lol we trusted no one until they lived in the village for at least 20 years or 15 if you married your cousin lol
  3. anyone with a caravan should have it seized and crushed just for owning one let alone the lockdown
  4. welcome some of us are on the drillings and some are not i had a good start but not enough birds today so returned home think the farmer was a bit to quick on the phone
  5. the police got the right idea today if your in a jam on the A30 with your caravan when you get to the front of the jam a police officer will be handing you a large fine lol
  6. given some enforcers still had shine from use moved them on thought by now someone would come up with something close to a dead bird maybe the painters are colour blind
  7. your right definitely not essential to be out unless asked to go and numbers warrant it sat for three hours watching the field monkeys have moved about half a mile away typical one i can’t get on
  8. on inspection this morning i felt numbers didn’t warrant being out so returned home so much for those going out being irresponsible lol
  9. people going out in the correct manner are NOT breaking the law suggest you look the rules on lock down up mate
  10. same thoughts not pleasant standing your ground but better than being pushed around decoys are defrosting so quick 101 call tomorrow and i’m out
  11. same chap as last time he’s upped the amount of peas this year bad timing no paths on this part of the farm but I always keep a eye out for walkers anyway
  12. well planned on sitting in a packed park tomorrow or could join the idiots walking about ignoring distancing maybe go shopping with the ques of shoppers but all spoilt by a farmer ringing to shoot peas so have to risk my life sitting in a empty forty acre field
  13. if we don’t turn out that could well come true then we would have some thing to complain about
  14. as you would be hard pushed to find a farmer who’s a fool i think they know the difference between essential and needless or the phone would be ringing non stop
  15. what’s this? sat in a empty field with no contact tut tut that’s far to sensible motty find a busy park to jog in at once lol they might start to play ball about now cross my fingers for you don’t miss any
  16. so obviously lost for committing armed trespass poaching and NOT ignoring the lockdown
  17. basc did try but they have to be polite about it dealing with certain organisations you have to make them aware you won’t be pushed around or fobbed of
  18. don’t be fobbed of top of the trough fire one of to the chief constable no joy with him police commissioners office
  19. good point why do people seemed scared the police won’t arrest you they don’t bite some even shoot
  20. just had pigeon breast peas and mash quite apt as they were shot on peas
  21. i have gone with ringing 101 give all the details and farmers number get a log number and not had a problem so far
  22. most of my perms are farmer owned the police would definitely have spoken to the farmer had they been called out to me as i was shooting a field 20yrds from the farmers front door which they could clearly see
  23. farmers definitely have different views if a field needs protection or not some rush to the phone others wouldn’t ring if you paid them
  24. definitely wasn’t tea and biscuits was it on EITHER side but all views should be welcome even ones i don’t like
  25. always find time for the pige just need the phone to ring nice blue field and no call climbing the walls now
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