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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. nice effort the roosters always feel like they are worth ten easy ones over the decoys i just came of a couple of hours on the rape only had half a dozen but a good day because i notice the ivy berries are almost gone so they should hit the rape now they had a real taste for them round here this year it’s kept them of the rape for weeks
  2. just in case anyone else claims this is a axe to grind I just returned from the rape and the neighbour greeted me with this QUOTE from the outside it looks like you hired monkeys in suits mate where did you find them the circus UNQUOTE now tell me we don’t look fools
  3. i’m more than happy to watch you pay to be sold down the river non stop it’s your money not mine BUT when i get tarred with the same brush by association it’s not on nobody can deny this has not only damaged our sport but will hasten the end of it altogether so well done basc let’s give them a fat pay rise
  4. i couldn’t care less about using steel THIS is about incompetence someone has lied failing to do what they are paid for represent shooters not their selfs and going from one mess to another you could not find worse people to run something if you tried
  5. 5) as i shoot like a blind man chucking bricks might as well use the best while i can
  6. if it’s no big deal they would be on here explaining why they have been so incompetent now people have seen they couldn’t train water to run downhill we look like a bunch of half wits who gave a child a sharp knife and said go play
  7. if that is not the biggest two finger salute i ever seen my name is not clangerman not such much as a apology for the biggest disaster in shooting history seriously? did that just happen?
  8. chin up unless we are seen to hold somebody to account the public will never accept a compromise on game shooting because any credibility we had will be finished and that should give everyone a chip
  9. be funny if the people we would like to speak with have been kidnapped or if their making for brazil with the safe lol
  10. point that out to the guilty when they come out of hiding mate i’m certainly going to paying to look like a yank buying the titanic is not funny we look proper mugs now
  11. the criteria for a cartridge we need to meet is the one acceptable to joe public without his support we remain on borrowed time the incompetents who caused this could have and should have found out what that is before lifting a finger first order of business should getting rid of the idiots who couldn’t run water downhill if they come out from hiding today
  12. when they ALL finished hiding from the fire somebody needs to own up for the decision this did not happen on its own i’m outraged sacs is trying to pass the buck a piece of my mind is heading their way shortly
  13. are you saying the voluntary ban was not their idea because their statement does not read that way to me
  14. a good point sacs could and should have confirmed consultation had taken place and they better have a good explanation ready tomorrow when i ring them why they did not do so passing the buck is a shabby response
  15. house warming daughter thinks she’s a bit posh invited half the place round i’m more lager and kebab so livened it up won’t do it again
  16. it’s definitely the plastic it was going ok last night until i fetched a few empties from the car to prove we pick them up BIG mistake they tore me to pieces lead or steel they didn’t care what we use it’s coming out of the plastic joe public does not like lucky it was fibre wad cases or i might have been lynched
  17. that’s ok your just annoyed what’s your thoughts on picking lead over plastic to ban first
  18. i think we are missing the point here i had a full mix of people last night from half wits like myself to highly educated they all thought the same stuffing one metal for another into plastic cases is just as bad or we are trying some sort con trick i couldn’t disagree either because they were right a two year old could see we need to ban plastic first
  19. if anyone wishes to call people bashers haters and scabs could you please wait until the rest of us have found a solution by talking thank you
  20. i forgot to mention a lot of people thought swapping lead for steel was some sort of trick we are trying to pull that really worried me
  21. i’m saying plastic was the no lose option we missed a golden opportunity everyone i spoke to at a function last night picked plastic quote the plastic bullet cases (cartridge) are everywhere in the countryside i can’t see the metal bits (shot) but nobody fails to see the plastic) unquote how stupid did i feel being told what i already knew
  22. the solution is simple it’s your money YOU should be making the decisions as free agents representing shooters one of the worst failings is the secrecy had we known the ban was coming we could have applied common sense lacking in those that made it
  23. i take non stop abuse for alerting you the shooting organisations are failing you so thank you to everyone who gives me stick for it and the abuse on my comments have a nice day
  24. i’m not saying lead should not be banned it should be but not before plastic everyone from sky to schools are against it the antis will now rightly claim we are still chucking plastic and metal into the environment had we gone with a plastic ban and fired steel from recycled paper and metal cases nobody could deny we are doing our part not even the antis so instead of giving it let’s move on pretend it’s ok people should be asking if a half wit like myself can see a plastic ban was a no lose option how come the shooting organisations didn’t see it living in denial does not change the truth
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