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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. it might not be so bad having few birds at the moment I dragged all the kit out today plus lofting poles sat there for half the day eventually one taking pity on my sad efforts sacrificed itself so i could pack up and go home it’s definitely hard work at present
  2. your not alone mate out tomorrow myself with plan B of two dead ones lofted in a gully they shelter in its try try again this winter unfortunately just keep up the good effort it will improve
  3. all i can say is the conversation is on the other post everyone can judge for their self i’m happy enough it’s solved
  4. not a problem mate the best way to bury fools is let them dig the hole
  5. full of sympathy my brother said it’s only killing the old of i replied that’s me you fool i’m old
  6. mate i’m not getting into it with you but i nailed basc down yesterday david ignored my request to pony up proof basc are not lying so the ONLY conclusion that can be drawn is they ARE the ones who lied and that is good enough for me basc lied NOT the makers
  7. but that’s not the message given by the anti nuts theirs is we kill for fun not we shoot for fun the public heard it for so long they believe it now
  8. i would not tell your feo you kill for fun if i was you it’s satisfaction from the job done the point is there will be no rush to eat game it’s all cobblers the entire area know i will give them game for free they won’t touch the stuff so i’m looking forward to seeing this big public rush to the stores
  9. thanks should work fine as i use the let them in close enough for no escape method
  10. i need something that can take abuse so i use beretta autos in 20 should find some steel they like
  11. give a good fight for a sick man mate fair play your going to be bored now i’m happy who was lying just have to find a steel load now watch them chicks they dig scars mind
  12. if you could not make personal insults it would be most appreciated just views or opinions as for the subject it is my view a apology is called for and he is more than welcome to challenge my view as several people called for him to give explanations and were ignored thank you
  13. in this case i’m certain everyone will agree any reply’s should be posted openly to avoid any further misunderstanding so if you would be good enough to settle the matter i’m sure it would be appreciated by all
  14. as you agree communication is so important if you would be good enough to post basc communications proving basc did consult with cartridge manufacturers we can settle the matter of who is correct for everyone
  15. there’s nothing wrong with asking people to switch for steel but there’s everything wrong when people asking them to switch so they can make a few filthy pound notes
  16. basc clearly said cartridge manufacturers all it takes is one of them to simply say my mistake and we can forget the whole thing but not while one of them won’t own up
  17. ask basc and the cartridge makers one of them IS lying and that takes us for mugs
  18. no chance of that david’s reply to me just now he says basc did not lie so he’s obviously calling the cartridge makers liars
  19. i had my say i will both read and comment on basc posts make no mistake there and you still owe this forum a apology for ignoring calls to explain your self
  20. no hysteria here just the truth people were calling for him to reply and he IGNORED them it has been PROVED basc lied and if you think this has not damaged our name as shooters there is something wrong my friend me get a grip you posted on here more than anyone mate when people call for you to appear and you ignore them a APOLOGY is called for as for the rest of the farce your in denial
  21. do me a favour and leave to come on here without so much as a apology is not only offensive in the extreme it is arrogant your organisation is a disgrace to shooting and anyone who takes part it has stained and damaged the entire world of shooting these chaps don’t trust you a inch now as for the public thanks to basc shooters have no credibility whatsoever basc is a disgrace and should be banned from the forum apologies to you chaps but to crawl on here with no apology is disgusting
  22. I will just have to use it annoyed i’m doing so thanks to other people’s agenda who hopefully will get what they deserve as a fan even you must be a bit annoyed
  23. that shooting is a acceptable way to obtain food they have been brain washed by the antis so long they believe it now i live on the edge of a massive estate and i can’t give game away let alone sell it
  24. wish i knew mate but until the public accept even partly our message they won’t touch the stuff plus the supermarkets would never go against public opinion as usual shooting organisations failed to do their homework
  25. i have two large shoot owners who one assure me we will still have the same piles of game using steel and two if it could be sold basc would be telling shoot owners to put more birds down so shoots can cash in and they have not plus if anyone thinks the public will rush to buy game try asking the public
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