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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. trust me if i posted my basc experience they would not thank you but if they keep whining i will
  2. if basc had not fed me a load of cobblers to get hold of my money i would be more than happy to keep quite nobody rips me of and gets to keep it quite cry all you like about it i speak as i found
  3. easy solved tell the head you will post time and venue on here and call for everyone to protest outside if slackman is not cancelled lay it on nice and thick mention he had to cancel appearances before put the wind right up him
  4. strongest weapon basc has is a stern letter my friend save your money
  5. I have rape on good pigeon fields just not finding the numbers this winter with all the food about out on rape tomorrow crossing my fingers to get enough to post but not looking good with fog forecast but may get lucky
  6. top man keep your phone to hand recovering i blacked out last year as the dog can’t drive i was in a spot lucky i come round and the phone was on me keep up the good work
  7. if you don’t feed me a load of old cobblers to get hold of my money i won’t knock you that’s why i’m a sacs member no cobblers from them
  8. if basc were honest when asking people to join nobody would be knocking them they will do same as basc always do sit back and cash the cheques
  9. sorry i forgot about him your right both need a long stretch
  10. are you joking this woman needs a prison sentence and a extra long one for being to cowardly to face the music
  11. he showed how tv should be done sad loss rip
  12. all decoys shine no matter which brand or the cost after all the effort it takes to get in the right spot at the right time why take the chance of shine use real birds nothing beats them
  13. my brother is football mad loves it but men in shorts kissing over a goal just don’t do it for me
  14. nobody is slagging basc I speak as i find basc told me we fight for this fight for that but deliberately with held their teeth consist of a stern letter when you with hold information like that it’s called dishonest so until i see money back i speak as i found
  15. bitter? not a chance i quite understand why the idiot beats the rubbish up i was married to her lol
  16. like the final decision will stop them trying to blame gps as we are already asked to allow the police to contact our gps the only reason for this is as i said a ploy to avoid blame basc always were to friendly with the police
  17. this is a ploy by the police to shift blame onto a gp should things go wrong which will fail the first time they try it because a gp will call endless experts who will confirm your state of mind can change in a instant and the tax payer will then have a huge bill for compensation to the gp common sense and the police have always been strangers
  18. until basc see the cheques stop your wasting your time because when you get paid win or lose your not going near the dressing room let alone the fight
  19. I carry a air arms s510 carbine in the land rover most days two years on still dropping everything like a lazer never lets me down proper quality tool can’t fault it
  20. children don’t ask to be born so once they come along you don’t have the right to take of in my house if your not there for the tears you will not be there for the laughter be you prince or pauper everyone is born with their word intact i’m not breaking mine for anyone and if my children give me any i’m with the wrong person rubbish or i can’t go the distance they will feel the full weight of my wrath you gave your word your keeping it end of story
  21. i gave the ex wife every chance to keep her knickers on she didn’t listen so i took the kids house cars the lot left her with a tv and bag of clothes she now starts her day with a black eye thanks to mr wonderful i would pity her but i’m to busy enjoying a wonderful grand child she will never be allowed to see i love karma
  22. i know the feeling left some to build up on the rape since last sunday jogged out yesterday beaters wagon pulled up next door ended my day before i started had to laugh as i thought i covered all the bases
  23. I always used the same method find the pigeons knock dressed to go politely ask if the farmer would like you to keep them of for the day as you have the kit on board full permission quickly follows a good job done if he does say no offer to leave a card and move on knock any and every place you can think of they can only say no and remember to knock the ones who do say no once a year or if you see pigeons hitting something good luck and don’t give up let us know if you find a permission
  24. taking my money and missing out the most important part i needed to hear that their teeth only consist of a stern letter is old news but no way am i going to forget i gave them money for nothing but hot air
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