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fac application questions


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you need to fill in both sgc and fac application forms, you put the mod on the form where you put the rifle type


eg. .22lr rifle and moderator


i guess if you send both forms in together and tick the coterminous boxes on each they will do the rest, ring your local feo and ask about the number of piccys required



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You will need 8 photos.


1 for their books, 1 signed by you and the other 2 signed by your mentors. Repeat this for the other licence and that should add up to 8.


As above, you should put on your form ".22LR Bolt Action Rifle + Sound Moderator"


DO NOT forget to request for expanding ammunition if you're using it for pest control. It's just the same as above, just write ".22LR (Expanding)" and then the quantities.


In regards to buy and own ammo, for a .22LR 500 buy and 1000 own is not a problem. However you might not have a problem with 1000 buy 1100 own. Try to keep rimfire ammunition in 50's, but preferably in 500 and 1000's, as it works out cheaper if you buy in bulk.


If you're putting in for centrefire ammunition, anything up to 200 should be fine. Just remember that whatever you have should be divisible by 20, as you'll have difficulty buying a full allowance if your maximum buy is 50 (As centrefire ammo is usually sold in 20's) (However some are sold in 10, but not often)

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