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Best Stalk Ever!!


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I was out this morning at 0830 at a place where I have previously seen a young dog fox. After about 30 minutes of standing rooted to the spot the bunnies decided to ignore me and started hopping about all around me. I suddenly noticed that they were very agitated and looked down the hill. About 120-140 yards away was Charlie. He was ignoring the bunnies but checking out the piles of recently cut Hay for beetles and grubs.


Unusually the wind was in my favour and I had the shade from a hedgerow to stand in. I didn?t think I could do it ? but sometimes you just have to try. Every time Charlie looked the other way I inched my way down the hill. Every time he looked back I froze.


I reached a point where a fence ran in front of me and I could go no further. In any case I was moving into a position where I could be seen by the occupants of some nearby houses. They are all Charlie lovers and I didn?t want to move into plain view.


One shot ? about 55 yards, with Lyalvale Magnum Max Game BBs (3" shells with 53g loads) and 3/4 choke. If you have not tried these rounds they are fantastic for walloping Charlie at ranges you would not usually consider.



My farmer is very happy. This little blighter might have been useless at catching bunnies but he was managing to take out a few lambs.


Sorry about the lousy phone pic ? my wife is fed up with me taking them home for a photo session!





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I am using a Browning 525 that in general I am very happy with. However it has those silly double beads (one at the end and one half way down). I am told that my sight picture should be with one just above the other like a figure '8'. I find that if I do this my shots (aimed ones with a tight choke) go low.


With this Charlie he was sideways on. I lined up the figure '8' at his middle then at the last minute aimed higher so that he disappeared behind the end of the barrel.


It doesn't feel right but it works!


Does anyone know of a way of 'tuning' my gun?




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If your gun is shooting low then you need to raise the comb, tape a temporary comb raiser on to prove thats the case then get it raised by a gunsmith. I must say every Browning I have shot (only 3 - Two GTI's and a 325) has fitted me badly and hurt my cheekbone at each shot. I have owned two Miroku's and never had any problems with those and they are made in the same factory. I can only assume they use different stock dimensions across the two ranges.

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