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Ginger tales..........

sussex lad

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All this talk of foxes gave me a urge!!!

So of me and Rob went last night to see if we could get one or two....

The first piece of land we went to we pretty much chased one from one end to the other and back again :yes:

Every time we caught up with it, it turned tail and dissapeared :)

So we moved on to the next small parcel of just a couple of fields, a quick drive around the set aside nothing until we crossed the lane back into the first field and we see eyes crossing left to right.

Rob jumps up top with his 22-250 and we move into the field and stop. A quick flash of the lamp and there it is about 150 yard and moving away from us.

I start to call, which seems to slow it down. Every 10 paces it looks back over its shoulder but wont stop.

One last call and it stops turns broadside on and Rob takes it with a 180 yard shot right through the shoulders.


He was a very good size dog fox in what must have the best condition i have ever seen, just look at the size of that tail.

Urge gone :lol: we head of to finish the night on the rabbits at another location.

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Much better those cunning foxes .Far more satisfying when you take them out compared to when they are green and naive and literally run right up to you when sqeaked .Or at least that is how I remember them as its been along time since I last shot one :yes:



Good to see your still out and about Brian and keeping the Fox population in check .Looks a good brush to preservre as well :)

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