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Hi and welcome to PW and the border badlands of Suffolk/Norfolk. :lol:


I'm afraid you may well find that most of the land in the Eye area is sewn up. I know of at least three guys who have the majority of shooting in that area and one of them is a Professional Pest controller.


That said, nothing ventured, nothing gained and the best advice is to get out and knock on a few doors, to see what response you get. Try speaking to Jimmy Ling out at Hoxne (you might have to ask around for directions), as although he has "retired", he would be the best bet (He was the local Gunshop) to find out who may have some land not currently serviced by others.


Also try the Working clothes place (Can't remember the exact name, but Yellow and Black signs) on the industrial estate on the road from Eye towards the 140 at Broome, they also might be able to help out a bit.


Failing that one or two of the more local lads to you on here might be able to help you out. Happy to take you out myself for some pigeons at some point, but nothing "permanent" I'm afraid.



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the place at eye is "workwear east anglia ltd", just go knocking on doors, ive got a friend that has only started pigeon shooting this year and has got himself permission on about 10-12000 acres already, he just stops by fields that are being drilled/sprayed etc gets the attention of the farmer and asks them if he can shoot, they all seem to say yes to him, give it a go



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ferretboy, on one of my farms there are some meadows that run for about a mile with a hedge/bank all along one side and a stream running down the middle, the hedge and both banks of the stream are absolutley poisoned with rabbits, i dont normally bother with them because its so vast but if youre interested in a day or two's sport i'll speak to the landowner about it, ive got no ferreting gear other than a spade but i'm up for a bit of fun,



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Hi and welcome to PW and the border badlands of Suffolk/Norfolk. <_<


I'm afraid you may well find that most of the land in the Eye area is sewn up. I know of at least three guys who have the majority of shooting in that area and one of them is a Professional Pest controller.


That said, nothing ventured, nothing gained and the best advice is to get out and knock on a few doors, to see what response you get. Try speaking to Jimmy Ling out at Hoxne (you might have to ask around for directions), as although he has "retired", he would be the best bet (He was the local Gunshop) to find out who may have some land not currently serviced by others.


Also try the Working clothes place (Can't remember the exact name, but Yellow and Black signs) on the industrial estate on the road from Eye towards the 140 at Broome, they also might be able to help out a bit.


Failing that one or two of the more local lads to you on here might be able to help you out. Happy to take you out myself for some pigeons at some point, but nothing "permanent" I'm afraid.




Another demonstration of this guys generosity, SS is a really good man, and a good friend and a credit to PW


Edited by Alanl50
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys.


I am in Denham and very new to both PW and shooting to the extent that i only got my first gun yesterday. i am planning to go to High Lodge for some lessons and anglia shooting for a day with an instructor on pigeon shooting but would love to go out with anyone who would let me observe/learn.


All advice very gratefuly received.


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Hi Guys.


I am in Denham and very new to both PW and shooting to the extent that i only got my first gun yesterday. i am planning to go to High Lodge for some lessons and anglia shooting for a day with an instructor on pigeon shooting but would love to go out with anyone who would let me observe/learn.


All advice very gratefuly received.




theres a load of us having a chimbo shoot at High lodge on the 28th (see Essex meet) you could join us..


ps im thinking of moving your way myself, Denham or Hoxne etc.., looks a great place to live..

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Many thanks for the reply> i am from Thurrock myself and moved up here about 5 years ago and can thoroughly recommend it.


the 28th sounds good.....no laughing though.





nice one, looking forward to meeting you. and dont worry i cant hit a barn door from 3 feet lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, just come across your post. I live in Diss and I am semi retired (will be fully retired come April). I moved to Diss 25+ years ago from Essex. I took up clay shooting about 9 months ago and belong to Wymondham & district gun club, we shoot at Besthorpe near Attleborough. I also belong to Broadlands air rifle club where we shoot FT (Field Target) at a range near Brundall. If I can be of any assistance pm me regarding above clubs pm me.



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