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Any butchers or food experts i need some advice


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Ok i buy my meat in bulk and chop it up and freeze it steak , pork ,hams etc i get it from a wholesale butchers

Now as a rule its normally British produce and as fresh as you like , Normally it has a sticker on stating that its local produce and the dates of slaughter are within a few days of when i buy it , But on this occasion when retuning home to cut up and bag the meat i noticed this !!

My side of rump is from Namibia and has a production date of 8th july 09 tbh it was the other 1/2 that noticed this ans is not happy !!!! , It looks fine and smells like a fresh hunk of meat should ..

Now im wondering if as this meat is like nr 4 month old and African is it ok ? its was vacuum packed and was very cold but not frozen !

My dilemma arises from this i assume it must have been frozen ( Am i right ? can it last this long refrigerated and vac packed ?) if it was frozen and defrosted at the butchers is it ok for me to re freeze ?

tbh it looks fine in fact it looks like a nice steaks!! i have cut it up into 10oz steaks but there's no prob returning it as i have frequented this butchers for a long time they would likely return my cash and throw it out But its got me thinking i am fairly sure they would not sell anything thats not ok as there a large setup with many large customers


Whats your views on this side of rump on reflection its not sounding to appealing but on the other hand it looks fine and smells fine ...

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Most of the beef shipped in from Africa and Argentina is chilled, not frozen. It would literally take days to thaw out a side of beef. Like Mungler, I would view your dodgy Namibian bushmeat with some trepidation. However, if it does look, smell and feel OK, I'd eat it.


I would suggest feeding some to the dog, to see if the meat causes any hideous bouts of vomiting and squits. However, that would be unfair on the dog, so I would test it on the mother-in-law instead.

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I would be concerned about the hygiene in animal husbandry and wide range of diseases in Namibia.


I would not eat it, but that could just be the Daily Mail reader in me though


I would also let the Butcher know I was not happy - what on earth made him think that you would actually want meat from Namibia? Mind you, I bet it was cheap....

Edited by Mungler
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Mungler I had to laugh @ the knowingly lol from my internet investigations into this African meat its very common !! And its likely that may of us have eaten it lol

In fact you prob have eaten it and paid through the nose at a posh restaurant !!

Its the age of this meat thats getting to me , My scene of smell is acute ,Its often been compared to the heighten scene of smell that pregnant women apparently acquire !!!

And it smells and looks fine ...

I am going to return it as i know im not going to enjoy i hasd talked my self out of it prior tbh and the 1/2 is having non of it so thats that as we all know !!!

But what i want to know is if i where to go to a large supermarket and buy a pack of steak how long has that been around and where is it from


As i said this wholesaler is supplying the likes of the Hilton Hotel ,large pud chains etc etc i just cant see them flogging bad meat ..


I cant find on the net if this age of meat should be eaten and if its normal


And re the cheap comment Nope it was the same price as the last side of rump i purchsed that was killed less that 20 miles from my house and i bought it 4 days later (And i do not buy rump coz its cheap i buy it coz its my preference in taste a texture and normally its great )

Edited by jayward
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I know that over the years I have probably eaten a Spaniel or two from the local kebabberies etc.


However, I firmly subscribe to the whole if you don't know and it doesn't kill you then it's all good.


Problem is, you now "know" and so (as you say) you will never enjoy eating it.


All would have been fine if your butcher had removed the "made in Namibia" sticker.

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I know that over the years I have probably eaten a Spaniel or two from the local kebabberies etc.


However, I firmly subscribe to the whole if you don't know and it doesn't kill you then it's all good.


Problem is, you now "know" and so (as you say) you will never enjoy eating it.


All would have been fine if your butcher had removed the "made in Namibia" sticker.


Your so right as i say it looks like a good steak should

Think on chaps where your next steak came from should you be is some swanky restaurant or your local sizzler haha!!

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as far as i'm aware vac packing of meat (should be after hanging) adds a shelf life of a extra 10 days to the product. This is the law according to the last environmental health officer that came to inspect the restaurant i work in. I specifically asked him about this as we have just bought a vacpak machine.Oh yes and you should only freeze for a maximum of three months if you are going to sell (obviously it's a different matter if it's at home). So i should take your beef back to the wholesaler and stick it up his rump steak.


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