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Question on HMR zero?

Evil Elvis

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:blink: I have finally got my hmr shooting straight after destroying another sirrocco mod!!! The edgar brothers gave me one with stainless baffles in it. Same hole group at 50 yards, 1" at 100 and I am shaking like elmo today(not well)


The question is, the second mod was once again welded on by gunk after 50 rounds...............I reset the scope, stripped the gun right down and scrubbed everything. Took of the stock to check for grit etc and cleaned it.


Now its shooting straight again I want it to stay that way.......if i unscrew the mod after each session will it affect my zero.....I dont think it will but Im a bit paranoid now!! :good:

Edited by Evil Elvis
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You need to remove the mod after every session, and clean the crown, as the unburnt powder and other material that build up in it are very corrosive.


Removing the mod and replacing it should have no impact on the zero, but remove the mod and shoot it (watch out for the noise) and your zero will be different.


There are a number of thought patterns on how often to clean the HMR.

I have found that if I use a bit of cloth, and give it a pull through after 100 rounds or so, it holds zero really well.

If I use a bore snake it goes to sh#t, and it takes 20 rounds to get it back on zero.


I use a DM80 mod, and clean it after every session. It is very easy to take a part, and after several thousand rounds it is still 100%.




Cooter :blink:

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