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reloading 222

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hi trying to reload .222 for first time and when i use the lee dead length bullet seating die it does not seem to seat the bullets deep enough .I am trying to get the over all length to 2.130 inches and cant seat the bullet in further than 2.160. Iam using hornaday 50 grain v max bullets any help would be apreciated novice reloader

Edited by jclowes
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the lee seating die dose not crimp at all. I have the die adjusted to seat the bulletas deep as it can go and still carnt get it down to 2.160 oal.


Iv tested how far my lands are in my gun and Im getting 2.208" so Im not that botherd about geting the oal any shorter now, longer if anything.


thanks very much

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Had the same problem, albeit 223. I unscrewed the adjusting cap and removed the insert and ground it down (the bottom or open end) a bit at a time until it got to a point where the cartridge was just under the minimum overall length specified (cylinder sized but not primed or charged). The important bit is tidy up the worked area as you would, say, the muzzle crown.

Hope that helps.


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I also use the Lee dies for .222 and had exactly the same problem, possibly even the same figures you quote!


I also measured my chamber and found it was no issue, your'e doing nothing dodgy.


I would recommend (if your'e not already doing it) measuring to the ogive though, I was suprised how much difference there was on accurately sized rounds off the ogive when compared to the measurements to the tip (obviously less of an issue with BTs but my SPs were awful)

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