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Puppy House Training Problem


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My Black Lab pup is 9 weeks old and coming on fine....................... Unfotunately his bladder is even worse than mine. I take him out last thing at night to attend to his 'business' at about 1130 then pop him into his crate in the hall.


About 2.30 in the morning he starts to whimper and if I ignore him (the books say I should not give in to his calls for attention) in about 20 minutes it becomes a howl. In the end I go down to him. Sometimes he has pee'd and crapped in his crate, and sometimes he is just bursting to go but hanging on.


People with more experience (including NTTF I think) have said that you should not put down paper in the crate because it just stores up problems that have to be sorted later.


What should I do - I think he is just too young to hang on at the moment. I certainly want to be locked in a crate myself for six hours so I know how he feels.


Tonight I am going to leave a radio on low to comfort him - but I don't think it can help his bladder control.



Any hints folks?




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i had this problem with my pup took me ages to clean her up a lot longer than other dogs i have owned at the end of the day they are only babs. i tried everthing eyes up me arss wotching her all the time i was comeing to the thaught that she was a dirty bitch when she just stopt. nice clean floors. nothing worsethan standing in dog **** in your bair feet :rolleyes:

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Time,patience,ear plugs,mop,bucket...seriously my bitch spent 10 days howling and fouling and I think it was just attention seeking(howling was 6-7hrs a night as she was in a litter of 11) and perseverance paid off.When is it`s last feed as that may have abearing on it too,but I suspect as with childrens behavioral problems(my wife works in that field)It`s attention.The mother would attend to the slightest whimper and the pup understands it so will use it too it`s fullest advantage,as thats what means survival.I (and it`s only my opinion)would ignore it and just clean up 1st thing :rolleyes: Best of British!!!!!

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I think you are expecting far too much froma puppy so young. He has a very small bladder capacity and weak control muscles. Puppies are not born housetrained, he is probably whining during the night because he wants to go and is desparately trying not to soil his crate.


Have a little patience and put a great deal of effort into housebreaking your pup, teach him the routine you want by taking him out regularly during the day, especially after he has eaten, when he wakes up and after a period of play. Take him to the spot in the garden you want him to use and wait until something happens, as he is eliminating say something like 'be quick' and eventually this will become his cue to go.


After he has finished nlet him know he has behaved correctly, reward him and give him plenty of praise. If you catch him going in the house during the day, just a stern 'no' and not so as to frighten him, and take him outside.


This can take from a few days to a few weeks depending on your dog and how vigilant you are.


You must remember going to the loo is a rewarding experience so as with everything else in your dogs life good toilet habits have to be trained.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks for all the advice so far. I will stick with it!


During the day I have no problems - I do all the things that Jeff B suggests and it seems to work - we have had very few daytime accidents.


I'd like to try the loud ticking clock - but they are not easy to find these days. Last night I left a radio on low and it seemed to soothe him.


I will try NTTFs suggestion about the feedtime and water. We have been leaving water down for him to take as and when he wanted. We will try removing it in the evening.


We'll get it sorted!



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Hi Bads


You may like to try vet pet bedding, this allows the pee to pass the top layer and pup stays dry, easy to wash drys in no time available at all good pet stores and online, having just passed this stage I can recomend the product, expect to wait a year for a dry night, as you would a child say 4 years, my lab has been in a run outside since young and this sorts a lot of problems as long as its warm enough,



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay - I've been a bit distracted and not in a nice way! I broke my leg and am hopping around with a 'pot' on.


NTTF - your tip was spot on. Digby is now 13 weeks old and I guess his bladder is a little better too.


We take his water away about 8pm and let him out for his last pee about 10.30 or 11.00. I get up about 06.00 or 06.30 and go straight out with him. He has been dry for weeks and has never done a poo in his crate.


We don't get many accidents during the day now either - but thank goodness we have a flagstone floor.


Thanks for the tips folks - everything is moving in the right direction.



Digby's first walk is today. That should be a laugh - with me hopping along behind and falling over.



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