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Ultimate SG Foxer?

Hunter Gatherer

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Try here: http://www.rmacleod.co.uk/index2.htm


It's a bit far away from you but they stock a great range a shooting equipment. I bought some 12g 3.5" winchester xx off them last year, got them for a good price too. They are an importer of winchester ammo and even had some 36g superspeeds left.



Edited by M ROBSON
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are slugsters legal in this country? I can imagine a rifled slug through a shotgun produces quite a thump, and will travel quite far!


Ive heard rifled shotguns and slugs can be accurate up to 200 yards!


This surely is more dangerous than most rifles!

Edited by Jon-Boy
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The shotguns are legal - but the ammunition needs a FAC (SG ammo must have 6 or more shot not exceeding .36" in diameter).


Accurate up to 200 yards? Well that depends what you call accurate. The ones I have fired would give you about an 8" group at 100 yards - and a dislocated shoulder if you shoot in the prone position.




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