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Dog fence


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Anyone seen these electric dog fences ? Bit like a electric coller but stops the dog going outside the bounds ? :P


I know it sounds a bit cruel, but if its the choice between getting a small zap or getting hit by a car on the road I know what Id choose anyday :)


I have tried to contain the garden but live in a ruralish area and have trouble. Don't want my dog getting hurt plus would be a bonus to be able to let her out in the garden and not worry about her running off :blush:


ANy ideas or recommendations please guys ? :lol:

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I have one I bought from Australia on the internet.Its a thin stainless wire that you peg out around the areas you dont want the dogs to go and switch it on.

I do not remember exact name and not at home at moment but if you google it you will find it .I did.It is very effective and not cruel at all

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It's generally called 'Freedom Fence' and yes if you have a large area that needs dog proofing I can say from many years experience that it works a treat. Once learned (which takes my dogs about a couple of days) they don't go near enough to get shocked just buzzed then they know it's time to put the breaks on. If laid across a driveway it will even stop them when the gates left open.


My only reservation would be if you had poorly trained dogs, badly behaved or agressive dogs that might not be stopped by any barrier put in their way!

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My only reservation would be if you had poorly trained dogs, badly behaved or agressive dogs that might not be stopped by any barrier put in their way!


Friend of mine has 3 dogs, 2 dogs never go near the barrier wire but one Jack Russell runs at it as fast as he can and straight past it. I guess he feels the shock is worth getting out for, but he always waits at the barrier on the wrong side to be let back in.

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