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This happened in Cheltenham, not London.

You would imagine it is the type of thing that would happen in London but obviously London does not have the monopoly on complete idiots.

I do not think the anti fieldsports brigade think any of us would do this sort of thing, the anti gun lobby however must be screaming "I told you so,ban all guns" this sort of behaviour is very worrying for legitimate gun users.

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I'm afraid there are more nutters out than there is in.I think in a situation like this where the police are 100% sure the person has a gun they should shoot to kill.It will be us the law abiding citizen that pays the penalty for there stupidity.

A few years ago we had a similar situation in a town near me,the police closed the road for a few hours while they tried to negotiate with him,in the end he gave up.Because he was drunk and a few grey cells missing they looked at it in a different light,got community service.In my eyes a airgun is no different to a ak47 it's a gun.And should be dealt with in the same way.It is the police's duty to protect the general public if it means killing a lunatic wielding a gun of any sort then so be it.

This is one issue that realy rattles my cage,because in joe publics eye anyone with a gun is branded a looney because of things like this :<

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With respect Rob, I'd be a bit careful about handing over the right to shoot down people the cops 'think' have a gun. They have a very bad record of shooting people with such things as table legs being taken for repair, harmless or beligerent drunks, and confused mental patients that have been turned out on the streets by our careing (careless?) society. You might also remember the disturbing case of an unfortunate Brazillian chap who having already been restrained by one copper while sitting on a seat and minding his own business, suddenly had his head turned into a sieve by another.


Police have some very difficult matters to deal with and no mistake, but giving them carte blanche to treat some disordered adolescent with a 'gat' air pistol like he was a guy with an AK47, is not my idea of progress mate...

Edited by Evilv
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cheltenham is 15 minutes away from me the scary thing is that the blokes with the gun wernt even teenages one was 49 and the other was middleaged as well in my opinion these people do need shooting may seem harsh but if they will shoot at a mother and her baby there is something seriously wrong with them :huh:

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Do you not think that some people get off for having a weapon upon their person.

Twenty years ago would you be seen trolling the streets witha Daisy 177 under your arm? Not likely. I think the problem today is the way the industry is trying to portray itself with real lookalikes etc.

This in turn might have a knock on effect with usairgunners who are out there pu rsuing legitamate game.

Lets be honest about it, the better the looks of the gun then more sales will ensue.

To some people its the looks and the comments that come first and not practicalities like the membership here show.

I speak as someone who in the past and on many occasssions have had to deal with the 9mm Luger lookalikes and have to decide what course of action to take.

These people mentioned in the press report are rare and stupid and they should not interfere with the pastimes that this forum participates in a steady and legal way.

I forget who it was on the forum who said that the weapons being used today, to the casula observer could be construded as being the real thing and cause no ends of problems to the casual user.


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all you have to do is think back to what happend to a teacher in this counrty who fired an empty air pistol at the floor in front of someopne to know what should happen to someone who fires a loaded airgun at anyone.


It should be treated as if it was a firearm :huh: whether it is or not remains to be seen.


ROB :lol:

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Evilv,i agrre if the police think they have a gun then they handle the situatiuon different.This man was standing next to a bus stop in a high street with his mate standing beside him shooting at the passer bys

Thanks for pointing that out then Rob. The little **** needs arresting then and should be treated to the full majesty of the law. He should not be taken out by a swat team though - it just ain't necessary, except on the most bizzare of cases.



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all you have to do is think back to what happend to a teacher in this counrty who fired an empty air pistol at the floor in front of someopne to know what should happen to someone who fires a loaded airgun at anyone.


It should be treated as if it was a firearm :huh: whether it is or not remains to be seen.


ROB :lol:

She was well out of order, but had been driven to distraction by a bunch of scum. I heard recently that the ringleader had been sent to jail for persecuting other people. The problem is that in this country, we molly coddle the scum of the earth because they happen to be under eighteen, even though the afore mentioned dross are responsible for a crime wave. Meanwhile, victimised lady who flips under the pressure of constant harrassment, has the book thrown at her for a stupid gesture....

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all you have to do is think back to what happend to a teacher in this counrty who fired an empty air pistol at the floor in front of someopne to know what should happen to someone who fires a loaded airgun at anyone.


It should be treated as if it was a firearm :lol: whether it is or not remains to be seen.


ROB :lol:

She was well out of order, but had been driven to distraction by a bunch of scum. I heard recently that the ringleader had been sent to jail for persecuting other people. The problem is that in this country, we molly coddle the scum of the earth because they happen to be under eighteen, even though the afore mentioned dross are responsible for a crime wave. Meanwhile, victimised lady who flips under the pressure of constant harrassment, has the book thrown at her for a stupid gesture....

Evilv you seem to be going off at a tangent to this thread, I was trying to imply that this is the sort of situation that the law was created for. (two guys at bus stop shooting at people)


people who assault others with an air weapon, or even the fear of being assaulted (pointing at someone), the air weapon then ceases to be a legaly held air rifle/pistol and becomes a section 1 fire arms (at least this is my understanding of the law, and i would be the first one to admit i could be wrong on this point)


ROB :huh:

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A chap that worked at my place and retired 10 years ago is moving to S.Africa.

Where he is moving to they have not had a crime there for 50 years.

Reason being the hired security force have a policy.

1st Offence= Warning

2nd Offence= A beating up

3rd Offence they shoot you and dump the body over someones fence. At this point the residents call the police and tell them they shot a burglar. No charges for anyone and a crime free existence!


Now I can't advocate this behaviour really but it makes you think doesn't it?

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This event likes others since past, are always going to be in the eye of the public domain. Its just a sad fact of life. I honestly feel that the law should be used to greater effect on these sort of people. Unfortunately, some will be penalised through unjust events, such as the Teacher, should she have been found 'acting in her best interests', it would have given the wrong message to others, i.e. 'its okay to behave like this'.

The only way to get the right message across, is to throw the book at people. This will deter others and make them think twice. These two blokes should be dalt with quickly and harshly. Be made an example of, unfortunbately what happened to the teacher. But, once in the public domain, it has to be dealt with. I still think that the EU has much to do with this. Human rights this and that, its no good. This country should get back on its feet and punish thoise who distain from the law.





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