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perhaps its because you are stuck in the hedge with a 12 gauge ready to blow them away! haha, only joking, seriously though, i have no experience of shooting pigeons over rape whatsoever, but i have picked up on here that they seem really difficult to decoy when they are on the stuff. it seems very hit and miss just with the rape. maybe you will get some tips more useful to you than this from more experienced pigeon shots on here

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I also have not shot over rape my shooting is mainly over crops but here the pigeons will be in huge numbers then they will get spooked and vanish for at least 20 minutes when a couple will come back now I know that sounds crazy but more will return if the scouts return. I also try to get under a flight line as it keeps it interesting the other thing I have noticed is keep still movement really puts them off sure you know all this anyway and as I said earlier this is over crops ie cabbages not rape. Hope that helped .


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hundreds of pigeons on rape but when they are walked off field dissapear to woods and reluctant to come back.any thoughts why they do this. :hmm:


If theres a lot of fields with rape in area then they'll just move to the next available feeding spot so getting yourself on or near a flight line is crucial.The other problem is they're in large numbers at this time of year so sometimes you can crack off 2 shots and not see them for rest of day!


The decoys need to be visible so try to stick them in places where the rapes been hit already and visibly shorter than rest of field.Movement is key too and if you dont have a bouncer or magnet-try throwing a dead pigeon into your pattern when they're moving around.All you've got to do is attract their attention and make them think its a safe feeding spot.

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At this time of year pigeons feed at first light , so if you arrive mid morning the birds will have feed and will sit about in woods or nearby tree digesting.

Try decoying them when they go for their afternoon feed before roosting.

To be successful on winter rape you really need wind to keep them moving all day.

Hope this helps

Cheers Hitman.

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