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Punt guns


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I found this on YT, for those not sure of what a Punt gun is.






:good: and imagine firing it from a relatively small/shallow boat................there is one member on here that can give you the information you're after, 'popgun' I think it is, he wrote about the last boat he built for punt gunning, very interesting read it was too :good:

Edited by ziplex
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:good: and imagine firing it from a relatively small/shallow boat................there is one member on here that can give you the information you're after, 'popgun' I think it is, he wrote about the last boat he built for punt gunning, very interesting read it was too :good:

Thanks zipex



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I`ve got access to a number of punt guns, eight at the last count, which I use on a regular basis although, strictly speaking, I no longer own one myself.


No one manufactures punt guns "off the peg" any more. None have been made by recognised gunmakers since the late 1950`s when Thomas Blands finished six screw breech guns for the actor and founder member of the now Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, James Robertson Justice.


However, there are specialist engineering firms who will manufacture you one to special order. In reality, a punt gun is more the province of an engineer rather than a gunmaker and. provided you can find a big enough lathe, they are not technically difficult to make. Many of the guns in use today are engineer made guns of fairly recent manufacture.


Having said that, my favourite gun is a damascus barreled muzzle loader built in about 1855 by Clayton. The gun is relief bored and shoots extraordinarily "hard".


They occasionally turn up at auction but you do need to know something about their design before you rush out and buy one.


Broadly speaking, expect to pay anything between £1,000 to £7,000 for a good example.


Hope this helps.

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I`ve got access to a number of punt guns, eight at the last count, which I use on a regular basis although, strictly speaking, I no longer own one myself.


No one manufactures punt guns "off the peg" any more. None have been made by recognised gunmakers since the late 1950`s when Thomas Blands finished six screw breech guns for the actor and founder member of the now Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, James Robertson Justice.


However, there are specialist engineering firms who will manufacture you one to special order. In reality, a punt gun is more the province of an engineer rather than a gunmaker and. provided you can find a big enough lathe, they are not technically difficult to make. Many of the guns in use today are engineer made guns of fairly recent manufacture.


Having said that, my favourite gun is a damascus barreled muzzle loader built in about 1855 by Clayton. The gun is relief bored and shoots extraordinarily "hard".


They occasionally turn up at auction but you do need to know something about their design before you rush out and buy one.


Broadly speaking, expect to pay anything between £1,000 to £7,000 for a good example.


Hope this helps.


Many thanks for the info, very helpful.



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I have 4 puntguns 2 muzzel loaders and 2 breech loaders in use there is not any advantage in using a breech loader over the muzzel loader they do come up for sale from time to time i looked at 1 earlyer this year but the breech plug was loose and the threads worn no way whould i lay down behind that and pull the landyard the stock would go clean through you if the threads failed, puntguns are not as easy to load as people think they are loads must be right even the priming powder must be measured right.as mud patten says if you find some one with a big lave and can use it you can get 1 made, but the drawings must be right and it should be sent to the proof house when finished, puntgunning is bloody hard work and i can shoot a lot moore birds with the shoulder gun in a season than the big gun, for the punt gun to kill you need to get in close i like to be whitin 60 yards then you see hardly any wounded birds, getting hold of good puntgun powder is getting hard i got my last lot from spain from a film company making a old time war film. if you are still going to try it you need to find an old boy to pass on the skills the punt needs to be built right the breeching ropes need to be right.if you go ahead i wish you all the best and if you got any problems feel free to ask there are a few guys on here who will give good hard come by advice.

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I have a friend who has made several punt guns recently, including a side by side 1 1/4" bore and 3 or 4 1 1/2" bore ones. All of his have been made in his garage and proofed by the london proof house in a field not far from me.


He had his largest bag ever yesterday which was 37 teal and 12 wigeon.

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