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Pest, vermin or just animal. Your views.


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The same question will have a different answer to the circumstance it relates and the personality of each individual. Take the fact this is a shooting forum ask the same question on a different say an anti site (can’t think of any at the moment) I think you might just get a different answer.


Then there is the rules of engagement. The landowners view and expectations of your participation to roam over his land, your own view and ethics regarding your quarry.


I could go on so but I an not going to I guess its down to the individual who pull the trigger, sets the snare or places the trap.


Two words ethics and principles.

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There are no such things as pests and vermin in the animal world only the hunters and the hunted . They only become pests and vermin when they have the ordacity to interfer with what humans want . How dare mr reynard eat game birds that have been put down in the woods for shooting . How dare mr wood pigeon eat the farmers rape that has been grown over many thousands of acres of prime farm land that mr wood pigeon hunts over for his living .

I am a shooting man through and through and always will be ,but to class a bird or mammal a pest or vermin just because it wants to go about its business and make a living some times seem a bit harsh to me .

Pigeons are the number one farmers hate because they will eat his crops and they do need to be controlled , but to call them pests some times seem to be the wrong discription , maybe its me just getting older . And to call poor old Reynard a pest or vermin just because he will eat a few game birds seems a bit unfair .


Harnser .

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There are no such things as pests and vermin in the animal world only the hunters and the hunted . They only become pests and vermin when they have the ordacity to interfer with what humans want . How dare mr reynard eat game birds that have been put down in the woods for shooting . How dare mr wood pigeon eat the farmers rape that has been grown over many thousands of acres of prime farm land that mr wood pigeon hunts over for his living .

I am a shooting man through and through and always will be ,but to class a bird or mammal a pest or vermin just because it wants to go about its business and make a living some times seem a bit harsh to me .

Pigeons are the number one farmers hate because they will eat his crops and they do need to be controlled , but to call them pests some times seem to be the wrong discription , maybe its me just getting older . And to call poor old Reynard a pest or vermin just because he will eat a few game birds seems a bit unfair .


Harnser .

I gotta agree with this, just about sums up the whole thread. :oops:

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I think it depends also on what the neighbours need. On one very small patch of ground I've had to work on I've had a real nightmare of a job to deal with the Foxes. The neighbour feeds them and has two dens on his ground. They wander through the fence and eat my landowners Ducks and Chickens. We trap the Foxes and shoot them in the traps because it's the only way I can do it, but it would be a lot more humane if I could save them the night in the trap and lower their numbers on the farm next door.


Nobody wants to see Foxes gone, they're such smart and beautiful creatures. Sometimes they're just a little too smart for their own good :oops:

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I too am full time pestie and will say that the answer is in the question,its called pest CONTROL for a reason,we control the level of pest,none of us wants to see species eradicated from the food chain as they all have a place,there is a greater force on the planet than Man and she will even out the balance as best she can but she has not accounted for mans ignorance and interference.

Just look at the rubbish and waste food we dump regularily,something has to feed on it be it flies ,rats,beetles,this has a knock on, the slug population spiral out of control 2 years ago-result last year there was a bumper crop of Foxes who come the colder months were finding it harder to find enough food and hence entered man's domain to reap his vunerable stock and poultry.

I like to watch all the animals going about there activities because doing so teaches you more about there behaviour and traits,giving you the edge to control them when the need arises.

As mentioned in the post of people feeding wild animals thinking they re doing good but when they go on holiday these animals need to provided for themselves at the nearest place to their free meal,so the problem starts and ends with man and his varied ideas as to what should be!

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