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couple off questions(norfolk feo)


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hi all i have finally decided to apply for my sgc..

my first question is does anybody know the feo in the acle area off Norfolk?

any idea how long I'll likely be waiting for my sgc

an will the gun safe be ok in the loft as that's the only place my other half will let me put it




thats all for now no doubt i'll be asking more soon

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1. No

2. No, but expect it to be between 6 weeks and 3 months

3. Tell her it's going in the house. What's the matter with you man?!


Guns can get damp in the attic and rust. The house is a much better place. Tell the mrs that if the gun goes in the attic, so does her most expensive and favourite dress/handbag/shoes. :oops:

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A Nofolkman and the little lady is telling you where you can have your guns ? . She will find it difficult to climb up into the loft space when you want her to clean them for you .

No I dont know who covers acle but have no fear Norfolk is more tuned towards the shooter than most other counties in this country .

If you fit the criteria to have a shot gun , person of good charactor and the need to own a gun then you will get your ticket ,trust me .

Harnser .

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lol least in the loft she cant see how many guns i will have..


any idea on the questions i'll likely be asked

Yes , why do you want a shotgun ? You will say for clay pigeon shooting and game shooting . If you are a novice then say so . If you have a friend who will take you out then say so . It would be helpful to you if you are aware of the safty aspect of shooting whilst in the field or at the clay club . Dont give him any bull sh@t he proberbly knows more about shooting than you do ,or at least he should do . Most of all be yourself and dont worry . we all had to start sometime . Good luck .

Harnser .

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i am in a village just outside swaffham and my feo is bob burrows. very nice man and likes a good chat. i would not put my gun cabinet in the loft unless you have very easy acess to the loft. i put mine in the other halfs walk in wardrobe behind her clothes rack. the questions asked will just be to see if you are sound in the mental health department and where, why and what you want to shoot. they are not there to try to fool you so be honest and friendly oh and most important make sure you offer a brew and some top quality biccys and it will all be ok. my ticket took 2 weeks from sending it to reciving it in the post but i did phone bob burrows and tell him i needed it by the 30th of jan for the cock shoot i have been invited to. good luck mate.

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hi all i have finally decided to apply for my sgc..

my first question is does anybody know the feo in the acle area off Norfolk?

any idea how long I'll likely be waiting for my sgc

an will the gun safe be ok in the loft as that's the only place my other half will let me put it




thats all for now no doubt i'll be asking more soon



Mine was Paddy, not sure who it will be since I moved but he actually suggested the loft. I said that I would end up falling off the ladder and killing myself (loft hatch over the stairwell) so declined and put it in the spare room. Took about 3 weeks to come through.



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