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didnt decoy in snow!!


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i was out shooting today, there were high tops of the rape showing through the snow and the pigeons were feeding on them, so i set my hide up then put the deeks out, i put them in a random pattern as from watching them thats how they were feeding, but they just werent coming in so i changed it to several patterns, i brung the magnet in just had a floater that didnt work. i dont know were i was going wrong, could have been the footprints in the snow? if anybody has got any idea where i was going wrong please let me know. . many thanks

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dont think footprints in snow would have stopped em i did same as you in snow just before xmas put decs out in random pattern as only a light wind and pigeons came in to magnet and decs shot 18. rape was same tops stuck out above snow. but after bout 3 hours of shooting, pigeons would only land in middle of field and stayed well away from decoys

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oh right you didnt do to bad then :good: it was so annoying because the pigeons were there, just not interested in the deeks. i tried bringing all of the deeks in and just putting a few dead birds and the magnet still didnt work :lol: oh well can always try again.

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Were you the guy in the Landy I had a word with at Lunchtime..?? :good:


Conditions today were not too good, with little wind and strong sun, also Pigeons tend to be a bit blind in snowy conditions, so I would ALWAYS have a bit more movement in the pattern by using a rotary.


Also, I would have set up a bit farther away from the road, (nearer that big Oak tree), and parked the Landy well away from the hide.





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When the birds don't decoy you need to look at all the information.


Did you see any birds on the field before you started ?

Were there birds flying in the area totally ignoring your decoys ?

Were the birds coming toward your decoys and then turning away ?

Were the birds coming right in and then flaring away at the last moment ?


Pigeons don't come into decoys for a reason, the answer could be somewhere in the answers to those questions above.

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there were a good few of hundred on the field yesterday and today.

alot of the pigeons were ignoring my deeks completely and landing further in the field, and some were heading towards my pattern and then turning away, so i would change the pattern, i brought decoys in. i would stand at the back of the pattern and try assess what may put them off, any thing i tried just didn't work.


but this has happened on more than once on snow.

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perhaps your hide and clothing? with white snow covered fields perhaps green brown camo nets and clothing just shouts out here i am. when i shot over rape field in similar conditions was able to get tight to a large tree so beleave i still had good background colours same as nets and me clothing. just a thought

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