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Gaining sgc already a FAC holder


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Evening all I have had my FAC around 6 months now. When I applied for my FAC i wasnt interested in shotguns but now im hooked I want to start clay shooting. How easy would it be for me to gain one? Will the FAO have to come for a chat again? I could put in for a variation but that would mean I can only have a Fire Arms shot gun 3+ shot and i need a o/u really for the clays.


Thanks for any help

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Thats not entirely true any more, it should be but its not. We have had several members of our club asked to produce proof of club membership and/or details of permissions. I understand that some SGCs have been issued with conditions added like "only to be used for clay pigeon shooting" or "only to be used on approved clay shooting ranges" whatever that means.


Gradually the screw is being turned although as you rightly say, they shouldn't ask. This is how all the conditions on FACs came into being, bit by bit. Now its happening with shotguns.


I don't see why we should have to have a seperate SGC if you have a FAC. Why can't the shotgun just be added to the FAC? with appropriate amendments to the conditions.

A SGC was only a lower form of licence for people who didn't have a FAC but has become tighter than an FAC. The list of people you could use for a reference has been stricter for a SGC believe it or not. They are having to relax it a bit now because Doctors etc won't sign them anymore. Magistrates have been told not to and your local vicar is probably a member of Greenpeace


There is absolutely no reason to have two certificates, two lots of fees, two home visits etc. You don't have to have two driving licences if you drive a car and a motorbike. They are all on the same licence.

Edited by Vince Green
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Good point there about driving licences. The whole licencing is a cock up it should all go the way of photocard with counter part that way if its raining like it is 70% of the year you licence doesnt get soaking wet and you have to pay for a new one. I obvisoly have permission but i shouldnt think that would be a problem. Il just ring the fao and have a word. Cheers all

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Good point there about driving licences. The whole licencing is a cock up it should all go the way of photocard with counter part that way if its raining like it is 70% of the year you licence doesnt get soaking wet and you have to pay for a new one. I obvisoly have permission but i shouldnt think that would be a problem. Il just ring the fao and have a word. Cheers all



It shouldn't be any problem at all, and particularly as you are already a FAC holder! You are going to have to fill in a SGC application and pay your fees etc etc regardless!


With regard to FAC/SGC certificates as mentioned, I have thought this for years, I see absolutely NO POINT in 2 seperate bits of paper. I see absolutely no reason why you should not have just one, with one section for Firearms and one for shotguns..or both combined or indeed taking it further to the Credit card version!

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Thats not entirely true any more, it should be but its not. We have had several members of our club asked to produce proof of club membership and/or details of permissions. I understand that some SGCs have been issued with conditions added like "only to be used for clay pigeon shooting" or "only to be used on approved clay shooting ranges" whatever that means.


Additonal conditions cannot be added to Shotgun Certificates, there is no provision for it within any of the Firearms Acts and is specifically mentioned in the 2002 guidance (i'll see if i can fish out the relevant section). If this is definately the case and its not just someone reading one of the mandatory conditions wrongly, the SGC holders should contact their shooting organisation (BASC/CPSA etc) to get in contact with the relevant FLD and put them straight.


It shouldn't be any problem at all, and particularly as you are already a FAC holder! You are going to have to fill in a SGC application and pay your fees etc etc regardless!


With regard to FAC/SGC certificates as mentioned, I have thought this for years, I see absolutely NO POINT in 2 seperate bits of paper. I see absolutely no reason why you should not have just one, with one section for Firearms and one for shotguns..or both combined or indeed taking it further to the Credit card version!


A single certificate has been talked about for years but noone can decide on the level of controls to use. Most shooting organisations want there to just be the same level of controls for all firearms as an SGC, and most anti-groups (inc. ACPO) want the same controls for shotguns as you get on an FAC. i.e. Named clubs and/or land, uses, restricted number of cartridges etc etc.



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I don't like having to prove a need for my guns individually. I think some control is good though, handing out firearms to people who just want one maybe isn't such a good plan.


I'd love a system like Canada where you have classes of firearms and they're all on a photo card. The worst part of the UK method is that if you have a .308 you have to go back begging if you decide you want say a .223 or to change your gun. Why we can't be cleared up to the biggest gun we need and trade freely in anything up to that power range I'll never know? Even a maximum number of guns for safe storage would be reasonable, again adjustable to the individual. It is nice to have say twenty shotguns, but really you don't need them. It needs to be looked at from a security point of view too so unless you have good levels of security that number of guns is too risky.

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