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The best at a price??

Big Dog

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My first time to post in the airgunner forum.


I currently have an old, but in new condition, BSA Airsporter .22 springy. It has shot more rats in its time than I could ever count. I haven't been air shooting much over the past number of years. Although she hits as hard as always, I am a bit more shakey and I find the open sight hard to use now. Too many birthdays and bad living :) .


I have been asked by a farmer to shoot feral pigeons in his barns as they are a health risk to the grain etc stored there.


I shot 2 last night, but found it harder to see them with open sights. I find the gun now heavy, not well balanced and noisy, compared to my 77/22 Ruger.


So. I am just thinking that I may plan to buy a new one after I get my .222 on. I would like one of the new bottle air type. Completely new concept to me when I got back into shooting about 3 years back and I have never used one and only know what I have read, which isn't much.


I don't need top brass. I need a work horse, reliable, good hunting accuracy, quite, balanced and not to expensive.


What would you recommend?:lol:?:D B)


Ps: I don't want to lead the feedback but the BSA Hornet seems to get a good write up?? :thumbs: :lol:

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the cheap one is the s200 multishot, its not got a huge charge, but its the cheapest and made by brno i believe (may be wrong) ive shot one and the trigger is great for the price, its quiet, tbh i cant see why you would need anything else.


so apart from the shots per charge thing which might be an issue for you if your running 30ftlb i would say its worth baring this in mind

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12ft lbs............will do the job. If you already have a .22 ruger which is i assume a rimfire why bother with a 30ftlb air rifle.


I have owned the Hornet, Raider, AA S200 & currently have a Logun Axor & Bsa Spitfire


If I had to recomend a first time PC at sensible cost it would be the Bsa Spitfire in .22 calibre well up to the job. light, accurate and consistant power over the charge range of about 55 - 60 shots. Team it up with a 6 x 40 fixed mag scope for under 250 quid excluding the charger and silencer and you will be away.



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A 35 ft lb air rifle is a serious piece of kit and very much under estimated and in the right hands WILL compete with any LR Rimfire . :)


Why go for one when you can go for a rimmy ...............Well one reason is for the first 5 years of an FAC your only semi open and depending on what County you live The chief of Police won't pass every bit of land as being safe to shoot with a Rimmy but he will the Over the limit Air Gun :lol:



Just a thought ..............Apply for both :lol:





Cheers Ive

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Why go for one when you can go for a rimmy ...............Well one reason is for the first 5 years of an FAC your only semi open and depending on what County you live The chief of Police won't pass every bit of land as being safe to shoot with a Rimmy but he will the Over the limit Air Gun :)








Cheers Ive

Not around here they wont Im afraid :lol::lol:

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heres a question im sure will sturr it up a bit, if you could have a 30ftlb gun at no extra cost or effort over a 12ftlb, would you?


i know i would, but then im just power hungry :)

I have two FAC air rifles both modded MK1/2 Rapids one running at just over 30ft/lbs and one running at 40ft/lbs I use both as required the 30 lb job is now set up for hn,ftt at 16g and the 40lb job using 21.5 bis mags both are quiet so much so my shoot captain lets me take rabbit that riddle the holding pens, try that with a shotgun or rimmy? I also have 3 shoots where I am not allowed a rimmy? ie one an industrial complex which (was) over run with rabbit, one a golf course with public access, and one a small paddock area, the stopping power of these guns is impressive and so is the shot count ie 72 from the 30lb job and 55 from the 40? both only 19" barrels (bsa), both fitted with AWT silencers, both SADLY underestimated till they are seen in action? dont knock an air weapon just get the right one for the job? oh and of course the FAC version is a LOT more humane than the 12 lb er anyday of the week.

cheers keith

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A 35 ft lb air rifle is a serious piece of kit and very much under estimated and in the right hands WILL compete with any LR Rimfire . :)

Sorry, but that is utter rubbish and I have to disagree, there is nothing finer than the aroma of a spent .22LR round. :lol::lol:


As for the thread, well I would favour a 30ft/lb rifle over a 12ft/lb, but not in the close quaters of barn shooting! As has been said, the 12ft/lb rifle is more than capable for this task and damage to the barn must be given careful consideration.





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heres a question im sure will sturr it up a bit, if you could have a 30ftlb gun at no extra cost or effort over a 12ftlb, would you?


i know i would, but then im just power hungry :)

Not if you wanted to shoot in farm buildings you would have one angry farmer if you put holes in his roof!!! :*) :*)

Edited by hawkeye
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Just to sit on the fence I agree with everything every body has said :lol:


Some good points there I appreciate the debate. Also about the 12 lb v the 30 lbs in barns :*) hadn't thought of that as I have never shot a 30 lb one.


Here is another question. Is it possible to adjust the pressure. Say if I had a 30lb, could I set the pressure to 12lb to shoot indoors?? :)

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Just to sit on the fence I agree with everything every body has said  :lol:


Some good points there I appreciate the debate.  Also about the 12 lb v the 30 lbs in barns :*) hadn't thought of that as I have never shot a 30 lb one.


Here is another question.  Is it possible to adjust the pressure.  Say if I had a 30lb, could I set the pressure to 12lb to shoot indoors?? :)

The best person to tell you that would be Ben Taylor when he upped the power on my Theoben MK2 he asked me if i wanted a valve on to increase power. I suppose it would work the other way as well.




You will get his number from this site i found him very helpful. :lol::lol:

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there is nothing finer than the aroma of a spent .22LR round


isnt that the truth, i love the smell of rimfires, the first gun i ever fired was my dads rimfire, and becuase of this it is the smell i associate with shooting, so any smell associated with shooting has to be good :)


seriously though, its true, a rimmy cannot be compared to any of the small callibre airguns running 40fb, the airguns shoot 20ish grains on average the rimfires shoot 40 or 37.5 grains, they are doing a smidge over 100fb, the figures talk for them selves.


however i have a question here, for the FAC airgun guys, if you had a gun running say 50ftlb using 20 grains would you shoot something out of a tree, as what you have here is half the power of a rimfire?


i ask as this is the advantage i personally would see,is if you could take things out of a tree whilst still having the range of about 60-70 yards. this would for fill about 80% of my bunny bashing needs and also give me the ability to take the odd squirell or roosted woody if i come across it.

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Sorry, but that is utter rubbish and I have to disagree, there is nothing finer than the aroma of a spent .22LR round. :P:D




You have niether the EXPERIENCE with a Rimfire and probably no EXPERIENCE at all when it comes to an over the limit airgun so as far as i'm concerned your talking utter rubbish :<





What is your EXPERIENCE with a over the limit airgun?;)?:)???:lol:



My FAC Air Gun CONSISTANTLY groups better than my Rimfire at 75m and by that i MEAN shooting from straight out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ie not practicing first to get your 3 shot 10mm groups at 75m. ;)



Ft lbs and bullet wieghts have nothing to do with the efficiency of this gun compared to a RIMFIRE as it is PURE SKILL and EXPERIENCE that rules the day.(AS WITH ANY GUN)The POTENTIAL is there. :lol:


My opinion is based on Standard varmint rounds ie £3.00/50 where rimfire ammo is concerned .


Eley Tenex UPS ultra is £8.50 per box of 50................Who wants to pay that amount for an hunting round. :/



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the figures speak for them selves, you have half the power with a 50ftlb airgun, if you accidently judge the range incorrectly and hit the ****** in the chest (as everyone does occasionaly) the chances of him runnign with an airgun are high, the chances of him runnign with a rimfire are still high but not as high as a airgun.


i dont know for certain, but im pretty sure a fac airgun will not out shoot a rimfire @ 75, i have a 3 shot group (although no proof it is at 75 yards apart from my word) it was shot off the floor with a rear rest and bipod and all shots form a ragged hole. graunted introduce any wind and the rimfire is all over the place, but introduce anything at all and an airgun thorws the pellet a mile off, and im sure even an fac airgun will do that.


im not boasting, but can you take bunnies at 100 yards assuming you know the range and its not windy. almost all rimfires can which are shooting tight groups, and i cant imagine a airgun doing that unless its a very large callibre or a very powerful custom FAC rig.


im sorry to disagree, your right i dont have any fac airgun experiance, but ive got the better part of 10 years rimfire experiance, and i doubtany 30ftlb airgun can match a rimmy, maybe some come close, but at 75 yards i consider this to be the optimum rimfire range and hense zero here, but with a fac airgun i would think your starting to strech its legs a bit @ 75


each to their own, i dont mean to get confruntational, i would be intrested to see what a fac airgun can really do, becuase they intrest me, but i very very much doubt it will be as good as a rimfire at the kind of ranges i do rimfire work.


im sure you get on with it great, but for the time being i will stick to my rimmy for ground game under 110yards.


please dont take offence to what ive said, i just dont agree, we are both after all welcome to our own opinions :)

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