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Open license


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Just spoke to my FEO re: open license as it's finally got round to when he said i could have it done.

I need a few references from people i shoot with regularly, so all being well, once Stealth Stalker, GaryB and HarfordWMJ send off an email it should all be cool.

Thanks in advance chaps and fingers crossed!

Edited by nickbeardo
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thanks for the emails chaps - got one back from the FEO this morning..

cheeky sod said i must have forked out a load of cash to you lot!

got to drop my license in asap to have it updated.



:lol: Maybe the fact that I said I was giving the reference from true accounts and without any monetary influence might have made him think the exact opposite!..


I'm sure Greggers is just pulling your leg anyway. Fortunately he's got a sense of humour.


Best best is to offer to collect it from Harpenden police station, as I know you'll be keen to get out and use your new privileges. As it's **** law you'll nip to the shops for a pint of milk and the postman will have attempted to deliver it and left you a note saying so! :lol:


Good luck mate :good:

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just picked it up from the firearms dept.


interesting new wording...


"The firearms and the ammo to which this cert relates shall be used for pest and fox control and zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the person by whom

the shooting rights are owned or from whom they may be leased or otherwise obtained"


so fox is specifically mentioned and covered by my .22, 17hmr and .223

also - i am the holder of shooting rights, so therefore i grant use of all my calibres on the land!

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No way you blood thirsty lunatic!! <_<



I'm out....



thanks for the emails chaps - got one back from the FEO this morning..

cheeky sod said i must have forked out a load of cash to you lot!

got to drop my license in asap to have it updated.



Well that will come next, that'll be a fifty each sir.................


No rephrase that ,you lot are in money land in St Albans, call it a round £200-00 sheckles.

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