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I have a couple of questions regarding how the squirrel lives:


  1. How many young do they have?
  2. How many births do they have in a year?
  3. Are they social (live in a community)?
  4. How many squirrels would 10 acres support?


Have been doing some research but there is nothing like experience from the field


Thank you

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Squirrels are the same as Foxes, they both exist in their own territories, the ammount of available food in an area dictates the number in the group and if you do manage to clear a group of squirrels out a new group will either break away from the neighbouring area or a neighbouring group will just absorb the territory.

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I have a couple of questions regarding how the squirrel lives:


  1. How many young do they have? Usually 2 or 3 but can be more!
  2. How many births do they have in a year? Usually 2 if everything is favourable
  3. Are they social (live in a community)? Yes/No they will often be found in communities but are territorial
  4. How many squirrels would 10 acres support? DEFRA would suggest about 14 I think...I have no idea how they work out their figures and when I got called to a Grey job in a country park a couple of years ago I counted 14 in about a 20 yard area!!


I ended up taking about 172 out of around 20/25 acres of the park!!


Heres a few!!!


Have been doing some research but there is nothing like experience from the field


Thank you


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I have a couple of questions regarding how the squirrel lives:


  1. How many young do they have?
  2. How many births do they have in a year?
  3. Are they social (live in a community)?
  4. How many squirrels would 10 acres support?


Have been doing some research but there is nothing like experience from the field


Thank you


PM rsrjerry he works with the perishers protecting the Reds, I think he,s a bit of an expert on Squirrels.


Cheers Rob

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What gun were you using and can I come next time? Fantastic no matter how you look at it.



It's a Falcon, full length barrel and skeleton stock. It runs around 26ft lb!


This job was at a council owned country park which was OPEN 24/7, we had to fence off and sign up areas to work in and still had the park wardens patrolling to keep everyone out.


Took several meetings and risk assessment and plans and photos to get the council to agree to me using the air rifle. They originally wanted the place trapped, but when they saw the potential bill for each method shooting won!

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