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Time given to sign agreement/contract


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Well just to let you all know, we had a power cut on Friday and my boos took the opportunity to have a meeting with me and told me that the company was making me redundant as there were no other roles for me to go in to. Told to clear my desk and I was out of the office by 2pm.


I've been there for just under a year, so I really should have seen it coming, as the law isn't too favourable for those with less than 1 year's service...


Oh well... Plan B is now in full swing :P and my website is up and running: iPhone Apps


Thanks for all your advice and fingers crossed that my venture works out a bit better :s







You are an intelligent guy and you'll go far. In a while you'll wonder why you were a wage slave for so long and wish that you had gone out by yourself years ago.


There are a few of us on PW who work for ourselves, you already have a Freight Forwarder / website addict, Solicitor and someone to do CAD drawing for you. I am sure the list will grow. If you want any help or advice (we all do at some point) just PM me.





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add Graphic Designer to that list :good:


That company did the same to a friend before (as did my wife's company (same field) last year), you're better off out of there.

Being self-employed is the mutts nuts providing you have a little self discipline and drive. good luck.

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Cheers Lads (And Mrs Sweepy :good: ) Fingers crossed all goes well!.. I'm set up as a Ltd company, so I'll get hit with my NI bill in no time :P however it's not too bad timing, seeing as the tax return deadline has just passed.


As above, I'll look at it as a positive thing, rather than negative, but I genuinely couldn't find an positives working there, so anything is better than that! haha


If I'm after any advice now, it's where on earth to find me a decent accountant!

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erm what big NI Bill :hmm:


if you haven't got a decent accountant let me know ours in WGC are pretty good. If you take a nominal salary I think at the moment we take about 10K then the rest as dividends you only pay NI on the 10K :P rest you have to pay corporation tax but then you get an allowance against it meaning you don't pay any more tax up to the higher limit or something along those lines :good:

Plus you run tax year from the company start date and tax is due when you file accounts, if you run it as PAYE to 10K you'll pay some tax every quarter and NI but doesn't amount to that much then corporation tax when you file accounts.

Edited by al4x
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You are an intelligent guy and you'll go far. In a while you'll wonder why you were a wage slave for so long and wish that you had gone out by yourself years ago.


There are a few of us on PW who work for ourselves, you already have a Freight Forwarder / website addict, Solicitor and someone to do CAD drawing for you. I am sure the list will grow. If you want any help or advice (we all do at some point) just PM me.






And you can add caprpenter extraordinaire to the list

Edited by jasons gold
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or alternatively you won't make anything as you'll be too busy answering the phone and dealing with general agro to get away from it all till you've built up enough business to employ a sidekick. Its good but there are definite drawbacks :good:

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Thinks of the positives, you can make a midweek Bisley bash now :P


I'm going to ring her today and sort it. Oddly enough, I had a dream last night that I went to Bisley on that range day and they were saying the flags changed colour to say whether you could shoot or not...! haha, I truly am odd.


or alternatively you won't make anything as you'll be too busy answering the phone and dealing with general agro to get away from it all till you've built up enough business to employ a sidekick. Its good but there are definite drawbacks :good:


I will be too busy making phone calls. :hmm:


I had actually closed my PW tab on my internet browser, but a PM made me go back on, so the only drawback I'm finding at the moment is that I am faaaaaaar too easily distracted...!

Edited by harfordwmj
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Blimey, sounds like you work for a right bunch....


Starting point is:


1. start taking notes of everything and keep copies of emails etc. Be careful though, you will probably find that in your contract or your staff handbook (which maybe incorporated into your contract by reference) that sending stuff to a home email is breach of the IT / confidentiality policy. You just can't beat printing off a hard copy and taking it home.


2. if ever "forced" to sign something the starting point is "don't" but if that doesn't work then write somewhere on the paper "I am signing this because I have been told to. I wanted to take it home and read it but he started shouting....". Write it all down calmly, take a copy and hand it in. That will make the cock think twice.


All of this is academic. When you reach the end of the road with an employer, it maybe unfair, wrongful or constructive dismissal and a possible Tribunal claim BUT nonetheless it's the end of the road. Get your mindset right.


All the extra hours you worked and butt kissing that went on - you won't get back. That's life and why lots of us end up working for ourselves or in a partnership with other like minded people.


Don't feel bad. I worked for a bunch of cocks a way back - I went beyond all targets, late nights, weekends, cancelled holidays, on call and laptop on holiday and I earnt them a fortune - this was all on a promise of going up the ladder. Alas, the people at the top had actually pulled the ladder up and made a habit of not keeping their promises. Leaving them was the best days work I ever did - all traumatic at the time etc but as a door closes another opens.



All good advice. Been there.

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