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parents evening

jasons gold

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Parents evening this tuesday an d my eldest girl keeps coming home and telling me all about god and how wonderful he is i would not of thought the bible was part of the curriculum .By the way she is almost 6 so i would have thought maths and english or maybe one of the science subjects would be more relevant . Any way how should i approach this emotive subject with her teacher.As i do not believe in god i deal in what we can prove not fiction. While i have no problem that she learns about god, what i have a problem with is that they seem to be telling her, all this actualy happened.

After all most people would have a problem if they were teaching about the koran would'nt they?

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Parents evening this tuesday an d my eldest girl keeps coming home and telling me all about god and how wonderful he is i would not of thought the bible was part of the curriculum .By the way she is almost 6 so i would have thought maths and english or maybe one of the science subjects would be more relevant . Any way how should i approach this emotive subject with her teacher.As i do not believe in god i deal in what we can prove not fiction. While i have no problem that she learns about god, what i have a problem with is that they seem to be telling her, all this actualy happened.

After all most people would have a problem if they were teaching about the koran would'nt they?



to be honest i think i would have a problem if my children were being taught about the koran.but as we're a christian country i see no reason why they should'nt teach our kids about god.i went to a catholic school,i'm C of E.i must say i don't believe in the big fellow,but it's done me no harm.


would you have a problem if she was being taught about robin hood?


i'm not having a go,i'm just expressing an opinion :oops:

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Right, you're not going to like this. :blink:


First off, I'm a rank atheist. I have no belief whatsoever in anything holy. If I can't get hold of it and shake it, it ain't there :oops:


However, I happen to believe that religion is the ONLY thing in our society that makes even a token effort at guiding young people and trying to instill a sense of right and wrong. All the other modernist "progressive" BS ideas are failing miserably.


Furthermore, I cannot see that a Christian upbringing does any actual harm at all. You seem to find it highly offensive when somebody mentions God in front of you, as do several people on this forum. I don't understand that. I don't find the Christian religion offensive at all. You'll find that by the time she's 11 or 12, she'll probably start questioning stuff soon enough. In the meantime, I think you need to deal with this peculiar hysterical reaction to anything vaguely religious :good:


Religion gives many people strength to see them through duff times and some people need the idea of an afterlife etc, to help them understand what the hell this life is all about. As an atheist, there have been times when I have wondered what it's all about. If I was religious, I would have found many phases in my life a lot easier to deal with.


The only thing you need to watch out for, is crackpots trying to recruit her into lunatic religious freako organisations like Jehovas and Moonies. Otherwise, I would give her a break. :hmm:

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If you are considering this a bad thing don't worry i have been in a c of e school since i was 3 and have had religion rammed down me ever since, including chapel 3 times a week from the age of 9 but i am not in the slightest bit religious if anything it has put me off it.




I went to a c of e school, which is why i believe i have made an informed choice

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Right, you're not going to like this. :yes:


First off, I'm a rank atheist. I have no belief whatsoever in anything holy. If I can't get hold of it and shake it, it ain't there :)


However, I happen to believe that religion is the ONLY thing in our society that makes even a token effort at guiding young people and trying to instill a sense of right and wrong. All the other modernist "progressive" BS ideas are failing miserably.


Furthermore, I cannot see that a Christian upbringing does any actual harm at all. You seem to find it highly offensive when somebody mentions God in front of you, as do several people on this forum. I don't understand that. I don't find the Christian religion offensive at all. You'll find that by the time she's 11 or 12, she'll probably start questioning stuff soon enough. In the meantime, I think you need to deal with this peculiar hysterical reaction to anything vaguely religious :)


Religion gives many people strength to see them through duff times and some people need the idea of an afterlife etc, to help them understand what the hell this life is all about. As an atheist, there have been times when I have wondered what it's all about. If I was religious, I would have found many phases in my life a lot easier to deal with.


The only thing you need to watch out for, is crackpots trying to recruit her into lunatic religious freako organisations like Jehovas and Moonies. Otherwise, I would give her a break. :yes:


Thats where you get me wrong i am just seeking to get a her balanced education so that she can make her own choices and not be indoctrinateded.

It is not at all offensive to me . I am agnostic untill it remains proven either way, probably not in my life time.

Edited by jasons gold
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We have the same issue with our eldest, school giving it the old RE spiel. She thinks God and Jesus are real, but hey she thinks Santa's real....


I'd say chill out and don't worry about it. Before you know it there will be bigger things to worry about in your daughters life, lke drinking, underage sex, drugs, hanging around street corners, etc. etc. etc....... :)

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We have the same issue with our eldest, school giving it the old RE spiel. She thinks God and Jesus are real, but hey she thinks Santa's real....


I'd say chill out and don't worry about it. Before you know it there will be bigger things to worry about in your daughters life, lke drinking, underage sex, drugs, hanging around street corners, etc. etc. etc....... :)



Thats easy to deal with we were all young once

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Teaching about God isnt soley about religeon to a 6 year old , a good balanced education is being supplied hopefuly , whats wrong with her learning morals , love , understanding , tolerence towards others , sounds like a good sound basis to me for a 6 year old .

Shes not of an age to make her own life choices at the moment , but denying her the chance to find out what the choices of life are is wrong and that is what the education system should be doing giving every child all the oppurtunities they can .

All responsible parents would want to enhance a childs life to the fullest , because they are like a sponge and soak up knowledge whatever it is .



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