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How many foxes killed by PW members 2010?


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2 vixens last night, one of which was the furthest I've ever shot a fox. I aimed between the eyes and hit it squarely in the chest at 355yds. When picking it, it seemed a long way so I measured on google earth. I'll go back tommorrow in daylight and check it with the range finder. Maybe I'll try on paper to see what my set up (and me) are capable of.






edit, turned out to be 325 yds.

Edited by Doggone
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2 last night and 2 the night before including one that was doing a good impersonation of a collie rounding up sheep :good:


Ps adjusted the maths count doggone.






Ta, usually a bit dopey when I get in from lamping, not a good time for maths.



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