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FAC Advice?

adam f

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Hi there. After a bit of advice please?


I have a golf course I shoot on to keep the rabbit population at bay. To date Ive only shot air rifles, and whilst Ive had a few it is very hard work. Lamping has been a waste of time as they are used to taking cover and have no long grass as soon as they see a lamp they bolt - even 100 yds off.


The ones I have shot have been by sitting and waiting, but the ones that come within 30/40 yds are few and far between.... so Ive been thinking of applying for an FAC and getting a .22LR?


The course has been cleared for FAC use as another guy used to shoot it before I came along. So a few Q's:


- Where, how and to who do I apply?

- How long does the process take?

- Reading through here it seems a .22LR is the way to go? Any advice on which one?


- Anything else Ive missed?


Thanks in advance.



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The course has been cleared for FAC use as another guy used to shoot it before I came along. So a few Q's:


- Where, how and to who do I apply?

- How long does the process take?

- Reading through here it seems a .22LR is the way to go? Any advice on which one?


- Anything else Ive missed?


HI Adam first port of call is your local police Fire arms licencing Dpt (ring main switch board they will put you through give you the number)


Ask for application pack fill it out and wait..........................................


not much you can do until you have filled it in really often takes 2-6 months before you get your ticket


Hope this helps.


You might want to look at local target clubs where you can get used to using, loading firing centre and rimfire and safe handling etc. Wont do any harm. You will also need 2 referees so start thinking about people you can ask. If you go down the target route to get an FAC you need it varied to hunt with so best get it for hunting first. They may apply conditions such as a mentor so you might want to try and find one them locally.


I dont have an FAC so others can give more advice but the application form requested ASAP as you cant do anythign till you have it.

Edited by HDAV
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personally i'd go with a .17hmr instead of the .22lr. perfect for those longer shots 100yard+

though if noise is a consideration (if the course is near to housing), then possibly better to go with .22lr.

I'd find someone local to you who can show you the ropes with shooting FAC if you've had no previous experience.

Local constabulary firearms team are the people to speak to, usually takes a month or two.

CZ 452 in either calibre is probably the most popular rabbiting rifle.

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Thanks for all the advice.


Ive had a look through the local police website and read the forms and guidance notes which makes things alot clearer. I guess I just need to start the ball rolling now?


First port of call is to double check the course manager is happy to sign the forms off (I'm sure he will, but better to check rather than find out later on)


A few more Q's:


Is there any harm in applying and getting things moving even if I dont buy a gun for a while, or even decide not to?


Do I need to sort a gun cabinet out before I put in the application, or wait until my visit and it has been granted?


Also - what quantity of ammo do you suggest putting down for the 'to purchase' and to 'hold' sections?


Thanks again.

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First port of call is to double check the course manager is happy to sign the forms off (I'm sure he will, but better to check rather than find out later on)


A few more Q's:


Is there any harm in applying and getting things moving even if I dont buy a gun for a while, or even decide not to?


Do I need to sort a gun cabinet out before I put in the application, or wait until my visit and it has been granted?


Also - what quantity of ammo do you suggest putting down for the 'to purchase' and to 'hold' sections?


Thanks again.


Can't see a problem applying, I would wait and see how the application goes before buying a cabinet I did this my SGC when i was visited i proposed the location FEO was happy so i bought cabinet and fitted it and they came back and checked it.


Its a bit trickier with FAC but have a search on here and ask the FEO who gets your application.


As for ammo ask some of the bunny shooters, some say apply for more than you need on FAC and negotiate down to what you want.


Another option is FAC air rifle but i am no expert and consider an SGC as well if spend much time on here you'll want one before long

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For a hunting FAC, you need a permission letter - (although the form doesn't say so and you do give the contact details for the land, they'll still ask you to provide it).


Once your FAC is granted you have until it's up for renewal to purchase a rifle (5 years)


As far as the cabinet, I'd get it sorted if not before you apply at least before the FEO (Firearms Enquiry Officer) comes to visit you, he'll need to inspect it so if it's not there he'll have to come back again for a second time before your licence can be granted.


Give some thought to a co-terminous application, for an extra tenner you can have a shotgun licence as well and you can pick up a perfectly good Side by Side for around £100, mine cost me £75 and will probably still be going when I'm in the ground.


Either LR or HMR is fine for what you want it for, just a couple of fors and againsts for either: HMR is louder and the ammo is a lot more expensive but the bullet flies flatter and is less prone to ricochet.


Personally I'd go LR for it's quietness but if you need the extra range (LR is 60 yards optimum) then HMR will do the job. Your FEO may have a view as to which they'd prefer you go for.


For ammo holding, 1000 to buy and 1200 to hold is not uncommon, mine got knocked back to 500/600 though but I have a gun dealer near where I work so tend to only buy 200 at a time anyway. Remember to put Expanding or HP for the ammo calibre (eg .22 Expanding). Some FLO's (Firearms Licensing Office) will put HP ammo on automatically when you put Vermin or Pest Control as your reason for wanting a FAC but if you don't have a condition on your FAC that says you can buy expanding ammo, a gun shop won't sell you it.


One more important thing, bear in mind a silencer is treated as a firearm on the form so you need to apply for that too as a separate line on the form. So, under calibre put .22 or .17, type is "Moderator" and reason will be the same as the rifle eg "Vermin"


Maybe worth you saying whereabouts you are, there's quite possibly a fellow member on here that would accompany you and let you try their rimfire - you can legally shoot another person's gun without you having a FAC as long as they have permission to shoot there.


A word of warning though, once you've tried a rimfire after shooting sub 12 Air, I guarantee you'll want one so be prepared to go spending!

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A few more Q's:


1/ Is there any harm in applying and getting things moving even if I dont buy a gun for a while, or even decide not to?


2/ Do I need to sort a gun cabinet out before I put in the application, or wait until my visit and it has been granted?


3/ Also - what quantity of ammo do you suggest putting down for the 'to purchase' and to 'hold' sections?


Thanks again.


1/ You can't buy a gun until you've got a FAC so you have to apply now! No harm in waiting to buy after you have it though. You get 5 years to buy what gets put on your ticket before you have to re-apply. Can't see the point of going through all the expense and hassle if you don't end up getting a gun in the end though :good:


2/ You're FAC shouldn't be granted until you have adequate security arrangements for storage of the guns, i.e. a safe. Most people have them installed in time for the interview with the FEO though as it saves having to arrange a 2nd appointment. But if you're not sure as to where to put it wait until your interview or ring the firearms dept for advice.


3/ If you're pest control only i wouldn't go any higher than 300 to purchase 400 to hold. If you join a club aswell i'd go for 500/600.


Hope this helps



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Maybe worth you saying whereabouts you are, there's quite possibly a fellow member on here that would accompany you and let you try their rimfire - you can legally shoot another person's gun without you having a FAC as long as they have permission to shoot there.


Brilliant - thanks alot guys, very helpful. What a great forum!


The above suggestion would be great? I'm in Shaftesbury, North Dorset, but travel around. If anyone would be willing to spend an hour or so and let me have a pop that would be hugely appreciated??



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everyones given good advice on getting fac,so i will just say,go for fac air/22lr and .17hmr with moderators for all 3,then you have a choice to suit your ground,as it is easier and cheaper to drop a gun you do not need or like(you have 5 years to decide),rather than go for less guns and have to spend £26 for a variation to add a gun later.

i shoot 3 golf courses and once you get used to them,they are brilliant to shoot on,i have houses round mine(not all the way round) and i shoot the hmr on this particular one a lot.i had air rifle first and it was hard work but,fac soon helped me get the bunny population down.

as for the lamping,,they seem lampshy and i would try a filter or if it is very bright light,get a dimmer.i shoot 2/3 times a week and the dimmer stills gets me rabbits(with the gun also :devil: ,before someone says anything :good: ).

good luck. :good:


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Brilliant - thanks alot guys, very helpful. What a great forum!


The above suggestion would be great? I'm in Shaftesbury, North Dorset, but travel around. If anyone would be willing to spend an hour or so and let me have a pop that would be hugely appreciated??




Thanks again for the advice - I'll try a dimmer.


IS it best to post elsewhere to see of someone can spend an hour showing the ropes of rimfires etc?

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Thanks again for the advice - I'll try a dimmer.


IS it best to post elsewhere to see of someone can spend an hour showing the ropes of rimfires etc?



i would :good: ..to be honest i did and loved every minute of it and gives you a good foundation which to work on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another question please guys:


I'm just getting all the paperwork sorted ready to fill out, and notice that on the SGC it asks for the counter signatory to be a civil servant / doctor etc, whereas on the FAC is only asks for a person 'of good standing'


Is this right, anyone shead anylight on this, or is it simply as above?

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