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spares / repairs fourtrak 1987

eric parker

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Hi guys, I posted up about my fourtrak a while ago, and I think its come down to a faulty fuel injector pump. The problem is i haven't got the money, or the time to fix it, as I'm starting a new job next week in devon. (on a farm where a 4x4 would be handy :yes:)

Anyway would anyone be interested in a 1987 fourtrak 2.8 diesel that doesnt go? The radiator needs replacing too. Bascially it just stopped whilst i was driving, and no fuel is getting to the injectors.

Everything was working fine except reverse light. low box and 4x4 worked great. It has a fair bit of rust on wheel arches, esp front right wing. But was a good example for age.


So what would someone pay for this? And would anyone be interested. Its in Milford, Surrey.

P.s. I just taxed it for 6 months, and MOT for a couple of months I think. Brand new battery i might take out cos its bloody good!



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Hi Eric.

was it fuel or water that came out please.

have you been running on veg at all.


I'm pretty sure it was fuel! would water going through block it up somehow?/totally ruin the engine!? as i never drained the fuel filter. cheers.

maybe i should pump it through a bit! I haven't run it on anything but diesel.

cheers mark

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Yes make sure it's fuel, bear in mind fuel is lighter than water so water will sit in the bottom of the pump


If you have power and can hear the faint click of the solenoid working then;


Drain off the fuel filter and re bleed to the pump, make sure you have clean fuel at the pump, loosen all four injector pipes at the PUMP and crank until you have clean fuel there, if you have fuel at the pump when bleeding but nothing at the pump end of the loose injector pipes after several cranks then the problem most likely is the solenoid not opening


The other thing to try is some easy start used very sparingly spray a small amount into the intake as someone else cranks it for you, if the engine will fire and run on this then all should be OK mechanically ( ie not a broken cam belt!!). 'Easy start' use valvoline motor start / vapormatic engine start, bradex easy start will do but is much stronger and IMHO can cause damage


remember fuel floats on water so if your not sure spill some into a bowl of water see if it separates and floats on top :good:

Edited by Paul223
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water is caught in the fuel filter before it gets to the pump hence it has a settlement area to collect it, a sensor to show when you've too much in there and a drain point to remove it.

Change your fuel filter and check it primes ok for starters and obviously I take it there is fuel in it

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ok so it fires with easy start in the intake, so it looks like the fuel pump solenoid has packed up :good: .

I see from your other topic that you have already tried the easy start and the engine lives, so this leaves the fuel pump solenoid, a pump full of water, or a broken pump cam plate. 9 times in 10 a broken cam plate will still push fuel out of the injector pipes, it just won't do it under any pressure, so with the injector pipes cracked completely off it should be spilling diesel out when cranking, if the pump was full of water again it should be pumping water out :good: (rather than fuel, but still spilling it out the pipes) so i believe your problem is the solenoid, with the injector pipes free at the pump end fuel should really spill immediately on cranking, if not try taking the solenoid out, remove the spring and plunger ( make sure the rubber has not detached itself) and refit the electro part, bleed up and see what happens, if it runs you'll have to stall it in gear to stop it, then get yourself a new sol.

Edited by Paul223
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