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squirrel cull

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christ its 20 quid not the holy grail

i dont have to share anything with anyone but i felt that a nominal sum or 20 pound would keep time wasters and the wrong sort away and give decent folk a chance to have some sport safely aswell as me been new to the area i thought it would be a good way of meeting lads local and maybe gets some trustworthy sorts for beating and stuff

but im have been put of by the negative post and are simply gonna call it off

it could have let to alot more for the right sort of local lads so 20 quid int that much really was it

my old head keeper was right do everthing your self and never ask for any help well because of the morons on here have spoilt it for a lot of others


Sorry but allowing the shooting of any ground game in a wood with people all over the place isn't what I'd call 'safely'

I'd want danger money to be in that wood.


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Sorry but allowing the shooting of any ground game in a wood with people all over the place isn't what I'd call 'safely'

I'd want danger money to be in that wood.




I take it you've never been on a vermin day or fox drive then? Both involve shooting ground game hence you keep in a line and only use trusted safe guns

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I take it you've never been on a vermin day or fox drive then? Both involve shooting ground game hence you keep in a line and only use trusted safe guns


Exactly. a bunch of strangers and newbies with a twenty pound note. Been on plenty of such squirrel days, never shot ground game though. Never been charged to do the work for the keeper either. Such days are usually a thankyou to the beaters for work done. He doesn't have a beating team with the job? not likely to get one either carrying on like that.


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vermin shoot 3 mile east of york aprox 3000 acre

im after a group 15 or so to go through woods this saturday and shoot squirrels aswell as knokning the drays out too and of course any other vermin that we see along the way rabbits crows pigeon hare fox and the like

please bring your own drays poles i you have them, guns and shells. shotguns only no autos for safety please

i cant guarantee large numbers but its a day out.

9 oclock start ,soup and roll prvided around 1130 should finish for 2

to sort the wheat from the chaff im going to ask for £20 a gun payable at the begining of the day

could lead to more days out for the right sort of lads and beating next season

pm for more details

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Alright PW morons... I've PMd keepastew twice now and he's not replying because of all these sarcastic comments. If you're not in the area (York) this offer doesn't concern you.


I'd love to make an alliance with a local keeper - there are a number of mutual benefits, and I'd like to meet up with Keepastew regardless of the £20 squirrel cull. This thread is filed with comments from people that this offer doesn't even concern which has spoilt the chances for those that it does.


keepastew want's to meet local fellow sportsmen - let him do that how he sees fit. If us York lads don't want to pay for a squirrel shoot then our silence will speak loud enough.


Stew, hope to bump into you one day.



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DC, with all due respect, pull your tongue out of his ****!


Why does he post with no mention on a public forum if he only wants to ask york members, maybe he should have mentioned something about that on his first post.


In my opinion, he has gone about this all wrong. Asking people to pay for something that a gamekeeper is expected to do as part of his job.


SSS :yes:

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PW morons? That's a bit weird.


I initially thought it was a great offer but thinking about it, and going out lamping with albob the other night, I wouldn't take up the offer. Hopefully I can repay Al in the future by inviting him onto my land when I get some. I think if keepastew wouldve come on and said he wants to meet some decent local lads to help him out he'd have got a positive response on here and probably got a fair few drinks out of it.

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dc i pm'd keeperstew the other night and nowhere does it say from york only.even people in derbyshire can now drive and have transport.

unless i have missed something it was open to all.


of course people from Norfolk have not evolved the ability to drive yet but from what I hear they have now lost the mono brow and developed a use of tools using their 4 opposing thumbs

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Come on guys , was Stew's original post that offensive or poorly written that WE here on Pigeon watch could not have made a better first impression :yes: , who knows where the offer could have lead for those who have no permission , time and time again threads descend into a slanging match when there is no need , anyway Stew I hope you find some decent lads to help you out :good:

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