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Asbos for Dogs


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this is going to be bad news for all legitimate dog owners. What will happen is we have to jump through all the hoops and the people its aimed at will ignore it entirely.

Just like the banning of hand guns. It only affects the law abiding majority..



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this is going to be bad news for all legitimate dog owners. What will happen is we have to jump through all the hoops and the people its aimed at will ignore it entirely.

Spot on :shifty:


Can't see it doing any good for the chavs you see with unruly staffs around town.

Edited by -oXo-
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Another threadbare attempt by a useless government to try and grab headlines and TV time before an election. They have done precisely nothing to deal with the problem which involves in no small part illegal dogs so post the attack where was the initiative to track down these dogs and not just the ones connected to the Liverpool attack no anonymous phone line to grass the tosspots up?

. Every little bit of these proposals will attack legitimate dog owners and none of it would have saved the child killed by the pitbull a story they grabbed with both hands.

The dogs would need to be muzzled or on a lead - but that would not apply in your own home (where the kiddy was attacked)

The dog would have to be chipped to enable identication - no question whose dog it was now was there

The dog would have to be insured -that would have helped especially when the insurance rats on the cover because the dog is found to be illegal

The dog would have an ASBO yep that works with thugs doesnt it?

Of course there is one thing not pointed out what ASBO stands for

Another Brown Sound Bite Opportunity

Edited by Delbert
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this is going to be bad news for all legitimate dog owners. What will happen is we have to jump through all the hoops and the people its aimed at will ignore it entirely.

it's not just "them" that'll be turning a blind eye :rolleyes:





what law.... :yes:

Edited by shot shot
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the people who dreamed this up are.1 running our country. 2 supposed to be educated.3 supposed to be brighter than us.with the country in the mess its in have nothing better to think about. could not run a love in in a brothel. im glad im stupid . the laws are there why can they not get of their ***** and use them?

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