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Can you legally use a .222 on Muntjac?

Evil Elvis

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is anyone else going to answer the question with honesty or are your horses too high. i know the rules and i know my trade i have done it for long enough thankyou and very well indeed. youve all shot at things you shouldnt of im sure. 40gr is ample at 30 yds to the head. but this is not my norm round i usally use 55gr sp. but on this night 40gr were the load and foxes the game just happend upon a munty. muntys are classed as pests in my area and as it was a buck no probs there.a question was asked to which i answered :yes:


Ignorance Arrogance is not excuse sorry Sharp Shot.



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Besides...... Im sure no one on here has ever shot a rabbit with a .233,22-250 or .243 have they ? because rabbit control wouldnt be on your licence for these calibers and that would be a no no wouldnt it. yeah right :yes:



Well i have. Makes a bit of a mess though

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You have broken the law under the Deer Act twice. Both have been mentioned. One is that you shot a deer (and if you check the act, no deer are classed as vermin) after one hour beyond sunset. The other is to use a below legal level of bullet grain to do so. If your FAC does not read 'shall be used for the Shooting Deer and any other lawful quarry' then again you have broken the law under the Firearms Act 1968. Which in plane simple terms you have not adhered to the conditions of your FAC.


Now as I’ll know someone who knows your FEO, if you like i'll pass your call name onto him and ask that he investigates these events you have accredited yourself with. Can i strongly suggest that until you confirm you have a licence provided by NE/Wildlife trust to shoot deer at night (- for anyone else reading this, in the UK even the FC get red taped so deeply they rarely apply for these) and - they don’t hand them out willy-nilly to recreational stalkers like you and l.


Can i strongly suggest that you don’t shoot a sodding deer again till you know what you are doing.

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Cause of your own comments and your own actions.

believe in everything you read do you. your very quick to pass judgment. i havnt owned a .222 for quiet some time now. as is on my info bit i have just .22lr for bunnys 17 hmr for buny and fox and .223 for fox. I have merely just proved to a friend of mine how people are quick to critisize other methods in shooting. somebody called me arrogant but that itself is just ignorance. im sorry if i offended anyone tonight that wasnt my intention. i stick to the rules as im sure you all do. safe shooting and goodnight

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222 close enough to 223 as makes no odds. I have used 223 on muntjac with a 50 vmax and 50 JHP - and they both work.


Sharpshot - who the **** do you think you are? Breaking the law and then shouting about it - very clever. And as for your comment about rabbits with CF - it's absolutely fine to do that now - many forces are re-wording FACs to that effect, and ACPO already agreed that no prosecutions would be brought.


HOWEVER for deer, the law is the law, you broke it and then told the world. You stupid berk.

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believe in everything you read do you. your very quick to pass judgment. i havnt owned a .222 for quiet some time now. as is on my info bit i have just .22lr for bunnys 17 hmr for buny and fox and .223 for fox. I have merely just proved to a friend of mine how people are quick to critisize other methods in shooting. somebody called me arrogant but that itself is just ignorance. im sorry if i offended anyone tonight that wasnt my intention. i stick to the rules as im sure you all do. safe shooting and goodnight


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA good joke sharpshot........you claim to have been proving a point on how people pass judgment on people's methods that are different t theirs, well what the heck do you expect when you come on here claim to have broken the law in 2 ways and then refusing to admit it was wrong that is arrogance. All you have proven is how unfunny you are now go back under your bridge.



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:yes: Thanks for derailing my perfectly straight forward question guys...Now Has anybody ACTUALLY used a .222 legally for Munty or cwd? I am thinking about a 50-55gr bullet? :yes:

EE chillax dude :yes:

Yes it is the perfect round, place it well though, if you clip bone you can end up loosing some of that tasty meat.


Sorry for the derailment, but I guess part of the fun of forums is giving walt types enough rope to hang themselves.

Now can anyone help with the email address for sharpshot's FEO?

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Sharpshot you're an idiot - oh course people are quick to criticize if you go posting info that is illegal and idiotic, the idea is that we help each other learn so that we can all enjoy our sport.

It wouldn't surprise me if you don't even hold a FAC, get back under your bridge.

I also have vermin on my .223 - so yes can shoot Buny (sic)!


EE as per above posts - very little different between .222 and .223 - i'm regularly taking Muntjac with 55gr .223

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Baz.. .222 is fine for Muntjac, providing its 50grn or higher.


As for shooting "vermin muntjac" at night with < 50grn.. It's against the law. You need the relevant paperwork to control Muntjac after the hours of sunset. This paperwork is not easily obtained for fun by some Northern Monkey like Sharpshot.


For the record I regualry shoot bunnys, squirrels etc with my centrefire. The conditions of my open FAC allow me to do just that.

Edited by garyb
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the vermin thing is done and dusted, where it came from was when they relaxed the rules for Muntjac allowing .220 or above they said if you've got a firearm conditioned for vermin / pest control that meets the criteria and one conditioned for deer that you could use the lesser caliber for muntjac as long as it met the legal standards. Basically it was to save everyone sending tickets in to have wording changed.


Sharpshot if you are telling the truth you are an utter moron, if not then purely a troll I'll hold my breath on which as I really can't make up my mind yet.

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Now that we have cleared up the .222 and muntjac bit, can I ask a question about the wording on my FAC. The .22 and 17hmr says for vermin, ground game and any other legal quarry. The .223 says fox and any other legal quarry which I understand to include muntjac (and vermin) as it is legal to use a .223 for them. (BTW I haven't used ot for muntjac yet)


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Now that we have cleared up the .222 and muntjac bit, can I ask a question about the wording on my FAC. The .22 and 17hmr says for vermin, ground game and any other legal quarry. The .223 says fox and any other legal quarry which I understand to include muntjac (and vermin) as it is legal to use a .223 for them. (BTW I haven't used ot for muntjac yet)



nope as why have foxes listed on your .223 if legal quarry covered everything you would be covered on all guns you held including rimfires.

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