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Another Fox part 2.


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Last night, Digit and me decided to give it another try on one of his permissions, after our success the other night. The wind was blowing towards us and it was nice and dark. Paul started to lamp, and within two minutes, he picked up the eyes of a fox. It took me about a minute to see them myself, but sure enough, there was one about 80 yards away. To get a better, and safer shot, we moved futher into the middle of the field. Paul shone the lamp again, and we could see the fox by some trees at the far end of the field. I knew that if the fox went behind the trees, we would lose it, so I waited until I got a steady shot, and another 100gr Sp .243 found it's mark. We went quickly to where we thought the fox had dropped, but couldn't find it. Then Paul shone the lamp behind us, and the fox was there on the ground, about 15 yards away.

The bullet had hit it behind the right shoulder, exiting from the left side of the skull. Another quick and humane kill. The fox turned out to be a Vixen, which was an added bonus. We paced back to where I took the shot, and estimated the range to be around 150 yards. I was more than pleased with the shot. From the time the fox was spotted, to when I shot it, was no more than 5 minutes. We continued to lamp another field or two, but saw nothing. But we were both happy that we had some success earlier.

My thanks once more to Paul for another great evening out.

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