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Yapping Dog

deputy dog

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Funny thing happened today. I was up in bedroom and mulling around getting my fishing gear in order when my Jack Russel started yapping its head off. So i looked out of the window to see what he was yapping at. At first i couldnt see what he was bothered about. Untill i went to shut my window and had one last look out. There down at the bottom of the garden was a flash of brown. In an instant i thought of rats. But when i opened up the window for a good look i was amazed to find to stoats running about in the bottom of the gardern in the hedge line. I thought it was one chasing a rat at first, but it did turn out to be 2 stoats having a whale of a time chasing each other around the garden. I just think they were teasing my russel as it yapped at them through the fence. They remained for a few mins longer untill my next door neighbour walked onto his back yard and frightened them off. It was a nice but uncommon sight to see. If there is a next time i hope i will have my video camera ready. Did try with my phone but my battery as pure usuall was nearly dead. Any one else had the fortune to see these mischievouse but funny little rogues in your garden.

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I am not sure which is a Stoat and which is a Weasel -But -- I was upstairs one day at old house and heard a commotion downstairs -- got down and there was this awful smell of what I thought was tom cat - turned out our cat had caught one and dropped it in dinning room - it was small and brown and vicious - took me an hour to catch it and get it down garden and release it -- Another time was shooting at Shugborough and at one stand there was one playing round a tree stump while we were shooting clays above it's head.



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I remember seeing that wonderful BBC documentary about stoats at (thanks Google!) Mount Grace Priory. Some of David Attenborough's best work is with our own elusive wildlife.


I don't think it's on DVD - but doubtless it's on the web somewhere.



Anyway, live and let live DD - see if you can get some pictures.





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Whilst over in Suffolk for a driven day I had the experience of seeing a Stoat. We had finished the drive and for the life of me, with several dogs, couldn't find my woodcock that I was certain had gone down. I was coming back through the rides after a few more drives and could hear a rustling just back from where I had been standing. With investigation it turned out to be the missing woodcock being devoured by a stoat. Bloody thing had ruined the pin feathers.



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