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montrose basin scotland


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ive got 3days decoying booked with a local guide up there at the end of oct,says there could be up to 65k of pinks coming off,i will be taking my video camera aswell as my gun,cant wait. duck flights aswell.

Who says "guides" can embelish a story :drinks:


11/10/09 - The pink-footed geese numbers have risen to 51,000 - a record for the Basin!


15/10/06 - 13 021 pink footed geese


Best of luck, as it can vary wildly ???

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anybody from montrose scotland would like to keep in touch as i go once a year after the pinkfoots,ive never been anywhere in the uk like it before just to see all them pinkys in that basin is amazing never mind decoying them totally awsome,cant wait till october :hmm:

Im 5mins fae the basin & i doubt theres 65tho geese here as 51thou was the record count last year for the basin so i think the goose guide is a bit o a hayver. Yes we have thousands come through the basin.

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i mabie caught him wrong,he might of been talking about a bit further up north. but never mind 51k is still alot of birds


Yes, but they are only there for a short spell, usually until they get wary of the "guides" going out and feeding fields and then getting shot at all day long. :lol:

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Shooting geese on their feeding fields is not against the law , even in Scotland , but its poor shooting pratice. better to shoot them on their flight lines. More sporting shots and disturbes the geese less.


That does happen, and there is a local wildfowlers club that does just that. Unfortunately, there are also numerous farmers who have plenty of vast stubbles and are happy to make a fast buck. Some mornings sound like WW3 has started. The number and timing of the bangs suggest multiple semi-autos at the feeding grounds. So far, thankfully the shooting has stopped after a short while and the geese are left to feed.

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