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Use your mirrors all the time and you will be dead, the over the shoulder look is the life saver never move out without it

motorbike licence 46yrs :lol::hmm: :blink:

1st bike ariel colt

last road bike honda fireblade inbetween hundreds

current bike 1959 tiger cub trials

Edited by abiteachuck
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i have had my bike license 2 years now (finally off the restriction!!)

i agree with the look over the shoulder, it is a life saver..


i just thought that mirrors would be a legal requirement.

thanks for the replys anyway guys!

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I agree the lifesaver is good but in 15 years of riding high performance bikes I have never been shocked to find a car in my blind spot when doing a lifesaver.


Why I am normally going faster than most things and I also ride looking in my mirrors nearly as much as looking forward for that vanishing point or child waiting to step out .


If a car manages to creep into your blind spot on a motorway etc I think you need take more glances in your mirrors if you cant do both your riding to fast for your skill level and I would back off till your grasp this skill.


Kind regards OTH

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I am an advanced qualified motorcyclist. Whilst shoulder checks or life savers certainly have their place (slow speed manoeuvres, turning right etc) you should always think why you are doing them. Sometimes by positioning yourself better you can negate the need for a life saver and enhance your safety in a oner. A good example is waiting to turn right where there is an island in the road. By positioning yourself close to it, perhaps with your right foot on it, you negate any possibility of someone coming up the inside of you when you turn right - so no need for a life save as you turn.


Also as OTH says, the faster you go, the more you should rely on you mirrors, and full blown over the shoulder lifesavers are dangerous at motorway speeds. A lot can happen in front of you in the 2 seconds or so you are looking behind you. Police instructors reckon you should glance in your mirrors at least every 7-10 seconds, as part of a visual scan of an hazards in the near and far distance and your peripheral vision. You should also check you mirrors before you brake, accelerate, change road position (even to avoid a pothole in your lane) or approach a hazard.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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the life savers were debunked on the cbt for some strange reason <bar the 1 over the shoulder>.. they were ingrained in me so i cant not do them..


back to the thread.... you dont need mirrors for the mot iv built bikes without that went through no prob,of course it is lunacy to ride without at least 1 <i had a clip to the back by an extended caravan mirror on a discovery~even with a mirror id still have been hit but least id have been ready>

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