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How to remove red stuff off bottom of shower curtain


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My better half has asked me to ask if anyone knows how to get the red/crimson coloured "stuff" off the bottom of the shower curtain. She puts the shower curtain in the washing machine or soaks it in the sink with washing powder every couple of weeks but ends up buying a new one pretty regular because of the staining.


Sad question I know but not a lot else to do when its persistently raining.



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You'r not Hitchcock are you?


No mate, I dont think so :)



try milton the stuff for babys bottles as that should work



Will try that thanks :yes:


easy fix , use scissors , . if that does not not work remove it just say a burgular has robbed it when you were sleeping .


Done that one, scissors I mean.



Buy a cheapie replacement from the pound shop,


and you should use a less strident-coloured shower-gel in future


I think its the hard water that does it, limescale???

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I think its the hard water that does it, limescale???


You can buy a lot of cheap replacement shower-curtains for the cost of a water softener -


or alternatively buy a water softener and save on soap-powder, detergent, washing machine repairs and shower-curtains

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