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Shooting on new permission


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I recently acquired a new shoot on an equestrian, centre only 50 acre but plenty of rabbits about. I got there tonight about 08:30pm to have a look around and clear a few rabbits off as the owners are complaining that the rabbits are digging in her arena. I decided to take the 22 rimfire tonight along with my Nv add on as I wanted to be as discreet as possible as to not spook any of the horses. The arena itself is only 15 acres but it was heaving with rabbits, as soon as I turned my NV on all I could see were eyes everywhere. Laid down in the corner of the arena gun on bipod and started shooting, didn't move from that spot until I had shot 11 rabbits.

After moving further round to the top of the field I lay down once again and shot a further 6 rabbits with a few misses due to under estimating the distances in the dark. I don’t really enjoy NV shooting as much as lamping as its pretty easy so long as you are good at measuring your distances (I was using the fence posts as a rough guide) all in all I was only out the house for 3 hours, the landowner was over the moon and asked when will I be coming back up or have I got rid of them all. I told her that I would have a look back up at the end of the week as I have other farms that I have already arranged to go to this week. Not a problem she said just give me a ring before you come up and I will put all the horses inside to make it easier for “oh and by the way how much do I owe you”.

Its nice when the owners appreciate your work but as I got this place through another horse paddock I shoot I told her I don’t charge for my work as I enjoy doing it, after showing her the nights bag she told me to call on her friends place next week as they are also having rabbit problems on their paddock. Good result only small places but its not the quantity of the land its the quality of it and so far this land has some pretty impressive amounts of rabbit on it.


Pretty poor picture as I forgot my camera so had to take the photo when I got home doesn’t look as many when they are all layed in the back of the Landy.







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