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Never been so tempted...

Al Downie

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Lying down sniping for rabbits at dusk tonight (with sub-12ft/lb .177), and a fox stopped right in front of me - 30yds away, quite still, my crosshairs right between its eyes! It stared in my direction for about 20 seconds before trotting casually away along the field margin. I really, really wanted to have a pop! ******. I'm seeing quite a few around the farm - might talk to the farmer about applying for FAC...

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Lying down sniping for rabbits at dusk tonight (with sub-12ft/lb .177), and a fox stopped right in front of me - 30yds away, quite still, my crosshairs right between its eyes! It stared in my direction for about 20 seconds before trotting casually away along the field margin. I really, really wanted to have a pop! ******. I'm seeing quite a few around the farm - might talk to the farmer about applying for FAC...



Might !!!


MIGHT !!!!!!


Get in there Chap



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ive had a couple like that lately!


my permission i have the vermin control only as the gamekeeper with not be happy.


what do i have on the farm everywere i look?


phesant, i could shoot 20 a day all at about 10 yards!

ducks, not as manny but the amount i could shoot is unreal.

geese!, theres 8 wild geese always in the way


it dose my head in because everytime i try to stalk the land everything gets spooked and scares everything i can shoot away.


my mates permission i was sat next to a tree at the edge of the wood on Saturday, out pops a roe deer just rooting around infront of me, so close i could of clubbed it to death with my stock. sat and watched it for a good 30 seconds with the cross hairs on its eye. then it finally saw me and scooted off. i wasent trying to hide i was just sat in my camo gear at the base of a tree.

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I went to see my permission owner last night, just for a social and let the lad do some plinking, my permission owner has just equipped himself with a HW-77 to deal with Pigeons coming into buildings, he has also had good success on the Rabbits, so off we go in the Landy with the HW set up for lamping, after a while down at the Rabbit runs sure enough 2 red eyes appear and I take the shot.Turned out to be a cub, never done lamping with an air rifle, it's usually a 410 moderated and we move around the land. I am going to look into FAC air rifles.

Sorry for naff pic, only had my phone camera.








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i think it was FAC - but none the less, shooting at unknown eyes. that's really bad form


Don't think it was, quoted that he is going to look into FAC air rifles. I find it a bit un pc that its not illegal to shoot a fox with 12ft/lb but my force won't allow HMR for fox.

Edited by kyska
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if this was the huntin life foum this thread would be deleted by now, and for good reason too. air rifles are not suitable for foxes as the risk of wounding is just too high. the only place where it would ever be acceptable to shoot a fox with an airgun is in a live cage trap, and theat airgun would have to be at least 30ftib.

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I've heard enough shotgun shooters say about foxes "i hit him hard but he run on!" and thats with a 12 guage ! We dont need people taking pot shots at them with air rifles FAC or not,and i have seen an FAC rated air rifle drop full grown foxes and muntjac but dont agree its the right tool for the job. just my opinion .Going back to the original thread i think its just **** law the opportunities that come up when you're not prepared,nice to see these things tho

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2 red eyes appear and I take the shot.Turned out to be a cub,


Putting the fox's with an air rifle debate to one side for a moment....


Turned out to be?


For ****s sake, could have been someone's cat or dog.


I dunno what's more stupid, taking a shot when you couldn't tell what you were shooting at... or coming on here and crowing about it on a public forum


***** like you give shooting a bad name, just as well you weren't doing it in front of an impressionable youth... oh wait you were.


Epic Fail!



Right, got that off my chest, now back to the Fox's with Air Rifle debate....


I wouldn't shoot a hare with an air-rifle so definitely never a fox, not even with a FAC Air rifle so I'd stop your "looking into FAC Air Rifles" right there.

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