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One man and his 12 bore required

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Sounds like you are having some action on them lez,

I just have not had any luck what so ever using the owl as yet, the crows just dont seem interested in the decoy what so ever.

I did have some success with the flocked decoys early in the morning but it didnt seem to take long before the crows all ******** off else where, might have another bash at them next week i think .


But at least you are hitting some :good:



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Guest cookoff013

there is a guy on youtube, who has a fake owl, a dead crow. he puts them a good way up a tree on a pole.

then shoots the 50 birds that go for a mob. i`ll find a link.

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Get a couple of the shot birds on your rotary mate,slow the speed down and you should pull them in,the young birds will soon be out and about,, and will commit like kamikaze pilots,honest mate you can stand in the middle of your decoys and shoot the young ones ,but make sure you hit them, otherwise all your going to do is educate them :oops: good luck mate :oops: BB

Edited by Bluebarrels
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  inthedark said:
Just knock yourself a ladder (letterbox) trap up mate, you'll have em cleaned up in no time if you get it out sharpish. PM me if need more info.





I have 3 running now and in just over 6 weeks have just under 2000 caught best thing for the job :oops:

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Hello Lez, I usually go out with my nephew but some times on my own.

We find the nephews pigeon magnet works a treat when slowed up as already said.

What ever you do cover your face and hands and if you move then move very slowly.

A crow is a lot harder to get into range than a pigeon as they are far more intelligent.

A crow/rook can see a single square inch of human skin at 100yds with no problem.

Make sure you can`t see through the net or they will.

Have the net as high as possible so there is very little chance of them looking in.

Use at least No 5 shot as anything else just seems to bounce off. :oops:

Use at least 1/4 and 1/2, if you have an auto then 1/2.


I average around 60 each time I go out but have had 207 on a field of sprouting maze, they just love that stuff.


I`d come and give you a hand but I`m not sure when I`m free next week as we need at least a whole day really, and I`v only got 3/4 hours of free time maximum at a time and then the phone rings for a lesson at a near by club.


Good luck mate, I will get down to you one day. :oops:

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  proTOM1 said:


I have 3 running now and in just over 6 weeks have just under 2000 caught best thing for the job :oops:



If Carlsberg made corvid traps . . . . . . :oops: These are the dogs dangly bits, Lez. have a look at Tom's '09 catch numbers, and I've replied to your PM.

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  COACH said:
Hello Lez, I usually go out with my nephew but some times on my own.

We find the nephews pigeon magnet works a treat when slowed up as already said.

What ever you do cover your face and hands and if you move then move very slowly.

A crow is a lot harder to get into range than a pigeon as they are far more intelligent.

A crow/rook can see a single square inch of human skin at 100yds with no problem.

Make sure you can`t see through the net or they will.

Have the net as high as possible so there is very little chance of them looking in.

Use at least No 5 shot as anything else just seems to bounce off. :oops:

Use at least 1/4 and 1/2, if you have an auto then 1/2.


I average around 60 each time I go out but have had 207 on a field of sprouting maze, they just love that stuff.


I`d come and give you a hand but I`m not sure when I`m free next week as we need at least a whole day really, and I`v only got 3/4 hours of free time maximum at a time and then the phone rings for a lesson at a near by club.


Good luck mate, I will get down to you one day. :oops:



Thanks for the response- as said, I have shot many to date using 1/4 and 1/2 choke on my sbs- no6 32 cartridges seem to knock them down no problem


I usually shoot from a net hide, with gloves veil and mossy oak camo- the hide has a net roof and its normally placed very tight under a huge hawthorn hedge- its decoy knowledge Im seeking


My usual shoot partner has a lot on just now, house move, new baby on the way - so Im doing my best to try to service the shoot at the landowners request - hence the original post, for some assistance



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  inthedark said:
If Carlsberg made corvid traps . . . . . . :oops: These are the dogs dangly bits, Lez. have a look at Tom's '09 catch numbers, and I've replied to your PM.



Will have a look- thanks for that - read PM and I to think maybe this is the way forward


Not as much fun as shooting them though :oops: so any local shooters fancy a go on the black stuff - gimme a shout







Les :oops:

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  Westcountryman said:


I'm suprized nobody has bitten your hand off!

Another trick is to use a dead rabbit with its guts laying out. That can bring the birds in well.



So am I- I'll do it myself & the tick with the dead Rabbit, Ive tried and youre right it does work- however the Corvids seem to get wise to it after a while and stay well away from me and the hide lol


had another 4 this morning using the Flocked Rook Deeks


Les :blink:


so the offer is withdrawn chaps ;)

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Hey Lez

Again suprised you had no offers on this, I would have come down if I owned a shotgun. Saying that we have been sitting in cover shooting some with the hmr, and also found they do catch on quite quick to the dead rabbit being a decoy...

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  SimonT said:
Hey Lez

Again suprised you had no offers on this, I would have come down if I owned a shotgun. Saying that we have been sitting in cover shooting some with the hmr, and also found they do catch on quite quick to the dead rabbit being a decoy...



I have a 17 HMR and .222 but shotgun is the better way I think, as they don't need to land just fly within 40 yards of me and my 12 bore


I did have one PW member come and shoot Pigeons with me- but not seen him for ages and he owes me 2 x boxes of No6 30's ;) which he "Borrowed"


This kind of behaviour really gets my Goat


you know who you are!


Les :blink:

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  Lez325 said:
I have a 17 HMR and .222 but shotgun is the better way I think, as they don't need to land just fly within 40 yards of me and my 12 bore


I did have one PW member come and shoot Pigeons with me- but not seen him for ages and he owes me 2 x boxes of No6 30's ;) which he "Borrowed"


This kind of behaviour really gets my Goat


you know who you are!


Les :blink:


:w00t: Why not name & shame? People will only go and do the same thing as you did :oops:

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  Shuck. said:
:blink: Why not name & shame? People will only go and do the same thing as you did :w00t:



The same thing I did, Do you mean the same thing HE did surely?


Not into naming and shaming to be honest- it does put me off offering shoots to other PW members when this happens though


So I have withdrawn the offer now



Les ;)

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  Shuck. said:
:w00t: Why not name & shame? People will only go and do the same thing as you did :oops:


it was me :blink: and i wasnt quite like that, went out twice with les and he lent me a couple of boxes, nothing in it just forgot as since then the business has really kicked off with no opportunity to get out again and repay the favour. i have pmd les and offered cartridges or money to replace the few i used ;)

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