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Whats the longest wait for a 1st FAC ?

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Ok chaps


I have a mate who has a shotgun licence and is under merseyside, he applied for his 1st FAC around september last yr, and is yet still waiting...ive said that if that was me after the 2 month period i would of been ranting..

He doesnt want to upset them as its his first FAC..??

But 9 months wait..and no FAC that point id be marching into there office and demand what the fxxk is going on.


So what the longest you chaps have waited or have heard of someone whos waited this long or longer ?

And what would you guys say/do in my mates position...as i have told him stop being soft and stalling it ,and get in there and ask whats going on.



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Just spoke to him and asked him to check his bank to see if over the 9 months if they have or not cashed his cheque and if so get onto them....not sure if they lost his app but even so they should of been in touch to say so..last he spoke to them there excuse was staff are on hols so they are short ?


Ie the usual **** excuse.



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I would have been on the phone. I find Northumbria very helpfull and it doesnt feel like your pushing them when you call. Its only right that you question things. I wouldnt rely on a cheque being cashed as if they turn you down they would just refund you anyway. So tell him to get on the phone :lol:

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I would have been on the phone. I find Northumbria very helpfull and it doesnt feel like your pushing them when you call. Its only right that you question things. I wouldnt rely on a cheque being cashed as if they turn you down they would just refund you anyway. So tell him to get on the phone :lol:


But if the cheque has been cashed you no they have received it then possibly lost the application :lol:

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It amazes me how long these things can take, I was praising my police force recently for getting a variation done in six days. Then my shotgun license renewal took 12 weeks, when it did arrive it had a gun on it I sold three years ago and one missing that I bought three years ago. Now I have sent it back again after having it for a day with copies of all the transactions ( all of which were done properly at the time and sent to the police by registered mail and the FEO wrote the correct s/n's of the guns I possess when he did his checks.)

A mate has now been waiting for a variation for an FAC air rifle for a month, its a postcode lottery, if you are in the wrong location then you will get hassle. My recommendation for anyone taking up shooting of any kind is to sell up and move to Herefordshire as I have heard some amazing claims about the West Mercia force, things like variations while you wait and FAC's sorted in four weeks.

There are hardly any bobbies on the beat, local police stations have gone and it seems that the ' on holiday' sign hardly comes off the Firearms dept door but I'm afraid thats just modern Britain. :lol:

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When I handed my sg license back into the police station to rectify the mistakes( I was passing anyway) I asked for a reciept. The staff sarg behind the desk said they don't do reciepts as they have so much handed over the desk so I said fine, I will take it away and post it then I have a record. His answer was, by all means do so but it will just go into the intray with everything else and it won't stop it being delaid or lost while getting to dept. Well you cant win, I just handed it over the desk and save a bit in postage and put it in the mercy of the police :blink:

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He really should have chased this, it's obviously stalled somewhere in the system. My FAC took 8 weeks from start to finish but after 2 weeks I rang to check on it's progress. Five minutes after I got off the phone, the FEO rang to say it was all good but he couldn't do the home visit that week and he would ring at the end of the week to arrange for the following week. Come the Monday I hadn't heard from him so chased him up directly, he came out that day.


However, I put an request in for a land survey that comes under another force's area, in January. Still waiting for that but haven't chased it as we were planning to make a day of it (ferreting in the daytime, then lamping at night) so I'll leave it until the ferreting season starts again.

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