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rabbit head shot with a .17 hmr

adam scott

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hello again.


Since writing my last topic i have been out yet again with the same .17hmr rifle :clapper: . it was a different night. we started off bashin a few clayes with a silver pigeon (lovely gun), then headed out for the rabbits. i started drivin and me mate nick had the first shot with success. head shot at 97yrs :boxing: this one i would later skin and freez. no more in that field so we headed to the next. i jumped on the back of the wagon. spotted my first rabbit. missed!!! damn it!!!! :censored: so moved on! i missed the next two rabbit's!!! not possible!!! i'm better than that. :wallbash: .


we set a target up on the root level of the nearest tree! prob around 60yrds i would guess. we soon realised that the rifle had fallen in the back of the truck from an upright position. the sights were around 12" out :good: :doh: ! sorted! back in buisness!! nailed em all from there on in :toast: . i even got so confident i aimed for a couple of heads! nailed em :boxing: . i picked up the head shots for food and leavin the mangled ones for the foxes as i am not allowed to shoot the foxes on this particular land bbeause the owner likes to sort the foxes himself.


hear are the head shots! all skinned and ready for the pan now!! num num!!! :clapper:




excellent!!! i'm gettin one for sure! with the the range this rifle has it would serve me really well in the future. but i also think i will put down for a .22 also as it would be nice in some area's to be a little quieter!




notice the top rabbit's eye hanging out! great shooting!!!

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.22 is better...not necessarily more fun but better :angry:


:good: though if you dont think a 22lr is more fun you should try a semi auto with a 30 round magazine :angry:


good shooting anyway, ill be heading out tonight, though i cant decide whether to take the 17hmr or the 22lr :good: though i wont argue nothing bowls them over like the hmr, and its a nice change not having to worry about holdover :)

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nice work! - the .17hmr does have a tendency to make a total mess of a rabbits head doesnt it? - but its definitley humane. i shot one that was head on facing me, with its head down eating, the round went straight through the body and left a very large exit wound on the flank, just infront of the rear leg. left that one under the hedge.

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i admit i do love the 17hmr. but still there is nothing quite like having a bit of holdover!


with my air rifle! holdover makes me feel a little like i know what i'm doin u know! if u try to explain the tridgectory of bullets to someone who has never picked up a gun, it's amazing to think what we know and what we can do! and if u hit that bunny that is out of range with a 4" holdover! i know i am extra happy with the

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i admit i do love the 17hmr. but still there is nothing quite like having a bit of holdover!


with my air rifle! holdover makes me feel a little like i know what i'm doin, u know? if u try to explain the tridgectory of bullets to someone who has never picked up a gun, it's amazing to think what we know and what we can do! and if u hit that bunny that is out of range with a 4" holdover! i know i am extra happy with the shot! because it is not 50/50 to the gun and the shooter! it's more like 70/30!


and i like this! i will get a .22 and a .17! this way i will cover everythin and not be dissapointed with not getting one or the other!

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