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chance of a day out saturday..... is it worth it?????


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Ho folks, just after a bit of advice. Got a very rare opportunity to go out and spend the day decoying over peas on a field that has not been shot on for the last 7 weeks. My only reservation is saturdays weather forecast. I don't particularly mind the rain, I can adapt my hide accordinly, but trying to find out how the birds feed in constant rain, like the forecast has predicted. (Hopefully they're wrong like usual). What would you folks do? I won't have a chance now for a long while, as the wife is expecting shortly, so itching to get out if its gonna be worth it.

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get your self off mate shot 32 other day in rain on peas so i no they do have it just take big green fishing brolly with u happy huntin swiss

Chhers guys, have got the big fishin umberella out and at the ready lol, sod it, decided to go for it, gonna be a while for the next one :good:

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Went out saturday, in all that wonderful rain we had. Shot 28 of them peas, most of them came around 7pm, as it was very slow up until then. Hasnt put me off though, had a good day all round. Whens the best time to shoot Maize, obtained some more permission with a lot of maize this morning, so just tring to suss out the best time, and plead with the wife :good:




and where are them peas around here
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hope you had a good day mate your lucky to find any peas roun here. im in the same area as you ive not come across many peas. but welldone good luck let us no how you get on thanks fran.

Ive had mixed days with the weather, if you dont try you wont know. theres not much pea/ bean growing at mo,mainly Rape on the South Coast. Perhaps the next rotation of crops will be better. Good Luck, let us know how you get on

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