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More Crows today with turbo33


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Went out this morning to hopefully shoot a few crows,Met up with turbo33 at 5.30 and started to lug all the gear into position.We set up our hides pretty close to each other,about 20m apart on a bank,using the available trees to act as cover,once the hides were sorted we set up a random decoy pattern,using about a dozen FB crow decoys,didnt have to wait too long until the first bird appeared,and once we had a couple down,we got them on the cradles/floaters,birds were patchy at times,and seemed to lack interest :hmm:


Then turbo33 decided to give his flapper a go,with a crow on it,i must admit it looked very effective :hmm: this proved to be a very good move and the birds seemed to be very interested,this provided us with a few cracking shots,and we ended the morning with a good bag of birds,about 40 in the end, but some not picked due to falling into nettles etc,so the ones below are the only ones to show for the photo shoot ???:lol: it was a pleasent morning many thanks turbo33 :hmm::hmm: BB



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Great morning BB :hmm::hmm: BB's cradle adaptations (see craft section) were very effective and provided some realistic movement as the wind turned them from side to side and both of us had some different homemade bouncers/landers which also helped pull the crows in. Some cracking shots with both of pulling of a left and right which added to the banter. Thanks BB, another good day in your company. :hmm::hmm:???

Edited by turbo33
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