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Rob Green

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I'm just delighted England diddn't win yesterday. As usual there over hyped and as usual they dont deliver, If you want to be winning the world cup you should be easily beating the Usa. England are just overhyped by dileusional fans, A team of individual players that will never play well together. Ye Ireland diddnt make it but who care's Watching England struggle is some much better :rolleyes::yes::yes::good:


LOL but at least your not bitter about the whole Ireland football world cup thing....


I still reckon England will get further and thus prove themselves to be better side of "individual players" than your home team :yes:


Indeed, if your team was full of lesser players who played well together as a team, then shouldn't they be erm playing in the world cup right now? Ah, no. Why? Because they are shhhhhhhhhhhiiiitttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :yes:

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I gotta say the Krauts played well as a team.


I reckon they will be in the final.


They better win the final as well as I got a sweepstake at work and there my team I think they are going to be in the final at least. No one is mentioning the Brazilians though :yes:

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I'm just delighted England diddn't win yesterday. As usual there over hyped and as usual they dont deliver, If you want to be winning the world cup you should be easily beating the Usa. England are just overhyped by dileusional fans, A team of individual players that will never play well together. Ye Ireland diddnt make it but who care's Watching England struggle is some much better :yes:???:lol:;)



Well you're **** at football, so best stick to rugby eh?


Remind me how did you get on against the All Blacks yesterday? :yes::lol::lol:

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Always makes me laugh when i read this sort of stuff.


Look at the Times Rich List for UK sportsmen last year and you'll find 2 footballers, 1 boxer and 8 from motor racing!!

Sure, footballers earn loads of money but i doubt that affects their performances for club OR country. Lewis Hamilton has earnt most this year but i didn't see him unduly affected when he put in his performance at yesterdays qualifying sessions.

Tiger Woods is by far the highest earning sportsman in the world but i don't think anyone can criticise his commitment when he takes to the course.

Of course, you're right and your argument is unassailable. How silly of us - so much better value than MP's, social workers, teachers, health workers, police, the military etc. Did I leave anyone out?


Apologies for the deja vu, could have sworn...

Edited by windrush
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Slightly better chance than Wales , ay ?



I think Wales have a better chance than England !!!! :yes:


No good blaming Green, If the rest of the over payed shower cant score a few goals against the USA why do they even bother turning up.


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Of course, you're right and your argument is unassailable. How silly of us - so much better value than MP's, social workers, teachers, health workers, police, the military etc. Did I leave anyone out?


Apologies for the deja vu, could have sworn...


I think you're missing the point.


It's nothing to do with value.


Footballers, in fact any sportsman/woman are not paid from the public purse. It's simple economics, the more a club makes in revenue the more it can pay it's players. It doesn't cost you or me a single penny if we choose not to go to matches or buy the merchandise. Therefore, in my opinion, what players earn is what their paymasters deem appropriate. As long as it doesn't cost me then i won't moan about it. I do find it strange however that people are forever berating footballers for their wages and yet we seldom hear people going on about how much top rugby players earn (ave £300,000 pa) or the top golfers, F1 drivers, cricketers etc. I just put it down to jealousy. I mean let's face it, how many of us would turn down £100k a week for doing something we love? :whistling:

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