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Ghillie suits

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Have a stealth ghost !,net that i cut a meter off and folded in half and sowed up the middle leaving enough room for me head to get through and now wear this over my camo jacket to break up outline or pull right up over my head like a camo hoody :good: ,works well on the rabbits and i still have a huge camo net for the pigeons :lol:

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Have a stealth ghost !,net that i cut a meter off and folded in half and sowed up the middle leaving enough room for me head to get through and now wear this over my camo jacket to break up outline or pull right up over my head like a camo hoody :good: ,works well on the rabbits and i still have a huge camo net for the pigeons <_<

A much simpler and less hassle way of doing things - And you don't ruin your original jacket either! I've got some Clearview net spare after making a hide, and use the remainder in exactly this way... Made a face veil with some of it too. :lol:

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Does anyone on here use one? I was half thinking about getting one but I just had a thought...I could cut up an old cammo net and add strips to an old jacket :lol: anyone tried this? Would a glue gun work to stick the bits on?




So generally, what's your opinion on them?



Cheers :good:


they would be of a hinderance than a help - get caught up on every bush or bramble you got close to in my opinion


Les <_<

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So are you saying cut a hole in a camo net and sort of wear it like a poncho? :good: if that works it sounds like a good idea :(

Yes,this is exactly what i did,and as mentioned above i have also made a rifle sock with the clearview net off cut,have also made,pigeon floaters from fibre glass rod,lofting kit from tent poles

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Sounds interesting...How did you attach it to the gun, or did you just wrap it around?

I folded over clearview net,stapled it temporary then got mrs :( to run through sowing machine,then to get a tight fit on gun i simply pulled on the sock and TIGHTLY wound insulation tape over the mod (ontop of clearview)not on metal,it always stays in place :good:

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Hi Mate Les is right they can be a Hinderance but when in an open area like fields were there is little cover they are a god send have a look at www.ghilliesuits.com they can make the differance and they are great when shooting on a flight line ( but be aware of brambles).


that's exactly the sort of circumstance I was looking to use it in. I'll try the whole poncho idea as I believe one of my camo nets has a hole in it anyway. At least I know what to do on the next rainy day we get :good:



Now just to google this clearview stuff to see what it is like :)





Thanks for all the replies! :yes:

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